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Who's Your Grandfather?

Updated on November 4, 2013

The cat got out of the bag about the decisions being made NOT to tell the public about people losing their health insurance under Obama's "grandfathering" clause. You see Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm's smug idiot of a brother, in the video shows what a Chicago thug is all about. He didn't want anyone to get a word in edgewise to refute his nonsense.

In the course of doing that he probably said more than he intended to say about the pre-passage of the law he helped craft in secret. For those who fail to understand a Democratic Congress didn't write that law. They just passed it without reading it. They rammed it right down our throats and lied to us while doing it.

This segment got so frenzied I had to listen to it a few times to catch all of what Emanuel let out of the bag for public consumption. Take your time and listen carefully.

Here's a very telling comment by Ezekiel:

“Insurance companies don’t want, insurance companies don’t like the individual market as it’s constructed. They see the future. That individual market is going away. They don’t want to invest in it.”

Who would have known that Obamacare was designed to do away with the individual marketplace and an individual's choice. If you listened to that segment it should now be obvious to you that Obamacare is about controlling you from cradle to grave concerning your health care decisions. Now I know you Progressives will scream foul but it was designed that way. Then it was debated within the White House inner circle on just exactly how to lie about it. The NY Times might say Obama misspoke, which happens only once, but Obama continually told that same lie over and over again. PERIOD.

Collectivism is part of Obama's strategy in "fundamentally transforming" America. He was raised by two Marxist parents who embraced that and passed it on to young Barack. It should be apparent listening to "Architect Emanuel" that the Nanny State knows what is best to meet your health insurance needs whether you like it or not. Their view is that what is best for the collective is best and disregard what you think is best for you and your needs. It matters not, if you've been watching, whether it be about your health care, the food you eat, the kind of car you drive (remember the Volt?), what temperature your set your thermostat on or what kind of light bulb you use to light your home. The list goes on. If you have been paying attention that is.

Your worth to society is not measured in your years of age as Emanuel might contend. We have gone completely off course when you measure of worth is how many tax dollars you are contributing to the "collective mindset" rather than your actual contribution as an individual to the society that you inhabit. Again listen to people like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. That is exactly the message these progressive Democrats are telegraphing to you.

Did you catch the parts about how a policy can be changed by a consumer that makes it subject to complying to the mandates of Obamacare? So how did this happen and why?

"The government, in fact, made the restrictions so narrow that even a $5 change in a co-pay could cause the policy to become illegal and thus ineligible for grandfathering."

That is beyond restrictive. It is ridiculous! They crafted such a restrictive policy that insurance companies are forced, by law, to deny renewals. The reason they did it that way is so that you choices as an individual consumer are progressively taken away over time. Then Obama has the audacity to turn around and tell us the insurance companies are the bad guys. If you believe that then you are one stupid person.

What you just heard Ezekiel Emanuel do was let the real cat out of the bag concerning Obamacare. I won't call it "Affordable" because it isn't going to be. It was never intended to be and there is no way to insure everyone and keep it that way. What planet are you living on if you believe that spin?

What we saw was a President who pledged that you can keep your insurance plan who knew in advance that the government was then going to deliberately make certain within that law to make certain the individual insurance market would shut down. Keep in mind that the same Ezekiel Emanuel you listened to pompously and indignantly affirm that that was the architects intention in writing that law. He was one of the prime architects and why Chris Wallace did that very interview.

Of course he didn't lie. He just misspoke.

Just Misspoke Huh? How Many Times?

I'm amazed at Obama's defenders concerning his lying ways. They have obviously over dosed on Obama koolaid. Does Obamacare cover that form of treatment too?

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Right now Obama wants to talk about anything but the crashing of his entire 'signature" legislation. It's ironic that the majority of people saw this coming. We didn't like it then and like it even less now." The Frog Prince

Vote It," "Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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