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What If Obama Gave A War And No One Showed Up?

Updated on September 3, 2013

Not Exactly John Wayne By Any Means

Cowboy Or Rodeo Clown?

There are black cowboys around but Barack Obama isn't one of them I can assure. I read an article that called him Barack "Honcho" Obama that gave me pause to think about this phony we have as a President. I'm not sure he can spell "cowboy" much less be one. That is coming from a Texan out here in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. How ludicrous but what he's now up to isn't funny in the least bit. Now "The Duke" was an iconic cowboy and one thing he said always rings true with me. “Life is tough, but it’s tougher when you’re stupid.”

That describes a would be cowboy like Obama to a "T" and also describes what William Jefferson Clinton did to the military back in the early 1990's when according to him, "The world was then going to be a safe place to live." Why? Because he was elected and thought that highly of himself? Obama's an egomaniac too in case you haven't noticed. Clinton took our military strength down to bare bones and now Obama has cut umpteen billions of our dollars out of the defense budget and suddenly decides he wants to start another war? That's very Clintonesque of Obama. I know that some of you Democrats slobber all over Bill Clinton but I sure don't, didn't and never will. He also was an unfit Commander-in-Chief.

Has anyone bothered to inform Barack Obama that this nation is broke and about to go bare bones? Or is he just ignoring that detail?

He's Hard To Throw A Diaper On. Just Ask Moochelle.

What John Wayne said fits what Obama seems intent on doing - being stupid once again. The guy is about to pick a fight we can't afford nor do we need to. Leave Syria and the Middle East to their own devices. It's looking more and more like the world is also recognizing Obama for the rodeo clown he has come to personify. He sees himself as the smartest guy in any room but if he's really smart he'll avoid any more conflict which makes him a clown on the world stage. Just think, he actually won the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing. It must have gone straight to his head that he was an authority on the world stage.

Then there were those pesky military budget cuts he could throw his weight around with. Wise move wannabe cowboy Obama. The Marines became his umbrella holders without a thought about him ever needing the military for what we pay them for - the defense of this nation. So off he goes like the Lone Ranger wanting to go it alone and finding that more than likely. He may be the only one spoiling for that sort of idiotic fight he is intent on pickling. He's the one who drew a red line then kept moving it for over a year showing bravado but not much else except his backside to the world.

My sources tell me that since his budget slashing the military is running a little short on operating funds to bolster his inflated ego and image of himself. He is his own undoing continually and only the die hard "fainters" still faint at the mere mention of his name.

His Scape Goat Is A Repeat It Seems

As usual Stick Em Up Obama bit off more than he can chew. He tried to form a coalition an d embarrassed the British Prime Minister in the process who had the forethought not to follow the non-leader without Parliaments approval. They said not only no but hell no. It must have come as a bit of a shock to find out there was no money left in the military coffers to finance his latest fantasy. He's the one with the axe so it should have dawned on him that actual defense takes men, arms, munitions and above all money. Maybe he's been too busy blaming Lottie, Dottie and everybody for his own folly instead of paying attention and leading.

You don't invite everyone to dinner and then suddenly realize you forgot your wallet. Only in Obamaville I reckon. It isn't his money that he is wasting but ours chasing the many windmills I've watched him chasing.

So with egg on his mug anew he will have to go to Congress and ask for more money to pursue his next joust. Remember the "sequester?" Lest we forget, that was his idea. This whole move seems more about Obama once again trying to save face for another screw up. He talks tough but talk is cheap and he has cheapened the office of the Presidency in just 5 short years beyond comprehension. When, and if, Congress says no he'll have his scapegoat once again.

This was "The One" if I remember correctly. He who was going to make the ocean's recede and heal the planet bringing peace and harmony to all just by his mere presence. If you told his "fainters" that he is a fraud, they were quick to shout you down. But we see what we see, We see what amounts to no more than a Rhinestone Cowboy if he has any cowboy in him at all. All that glitters is not gold my fellow Americans.

On the sidelines sits John McBama, the Arizona loser, trying to convince the nation that we need to go to war once again. Arizona voters please retire this idiot RINO.

"Vote It," "Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

Arm Them And Disarm Us? I Don't Think So!


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