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What Has America Become While We Weren't Paying Attention?

Updated on April 13, 2014

I was trying to refine the issue(s) of the article I am writing here under "social issues" but I'd have to pick just about everything on that drop down list. I want to thank a friend for sending me an editorial from a small town paper where a writer had laid it out in easily understandable terms. The country that I grew up in isn't anything close to having the value system that made this nation great. We've been on a down hill slide for decades now. It is my hope for the future that the ship wreck we are seeing can be righted before it falls into the abyss.

I grew up in the land of the free which was insured by the brave men and women who came before I did to hand over a country that was indeed the home of the brave. These grandiose politicians we have been saddling ourselves with weren't there and most of the people and families had a modicum of common sense and decency to guide their lives. If a neighbor was in need we took care of business ourselves and didn't rely on a federal Nanny to cure every little hiccup in society for us.

Music Please Maestro - As Relevant Now As It Was Then

Change does occur but when it does it should be to this nation's benefit and not its detriment. Things seem to get so totally turned around by political correctness and politicians that it's sickening. Go before Congress and lie and it's a felony. But when we get the string of rampant lies from politicians that we have been witnessing it's just "politics."

Then there is the continual playing of the race card which is beginning to give me a stomach ache. According to Obama we were supposed to be in the era of "post racial politics" but it has been anything but that. If we happen to dislike a black person suddenly we are racists. But let a black person not like a white person and it suddenly becomes their enlightened First Amendment right to express that dislike. You race baiters need to get over yourselves.

Time To Wake Up

Our schools are in a shambles. It's just peachy to teach our youth that homosexuality is okay and in the norm just don't mention God while in the process. Or lets get righteous and claim it's okay to kill an unborn child but an abomination to execute a murderer or baby raper. I remember back when there were book burnings. Now they just seem to be rewritten to fit a particular agenda and it doesn't matter if the truth suffers in the process. It was just actual history.

Along the way we supposedly squashed communism and socialism in our country but the reality is that it just got renamed. We now call them progressives. How politically correct of us. Our rulers are fighting tooth and nail to keep us from securing our border with Mexico. Instead we are armed to the teeth on the 38th parallel in Korea. Recently the BLM was rounding up cattle for deportation in Nevada. Lets round up illegal immigrants and put our law enforcement assets to better use.

If there is any dissent, and there is plenty these days, about Obama's policies you are labeled a domestic terrorist or a racist. Doesn't matter in the least that he has no idea what he is doing or supposed to be doing. He has an agenda you see. I remember back in the Bush days when people were torching American flags and burning Bush in effigy, That was alright though because those nut jobs were just exercising their First Amendment rights again.

We have stem cell research, that is using a human fetus by the way, and organizations like PETA screaming about using animals in research. Our public airwaves are peppered with nudity and pornography but heavens to Betsy don't set up a nativity scene on public land during the Christmas season. Everything seems to be being turned upside down by complete idiots and it's time that we correct that.

We are constantly hearing the socialist jabber about income inequality and the redistribution of wealth. We can't have each reaping the benefits of their labor. Instead they are intent upon taking hard earned money from people who work hard for it and give it to those who would rather than lift a finger to get it. The US Constitution is only relevant to many these days when it supports their own agenda otherwise it is supposedly "out-of-date." Oh we have freedom of speech policed by the PC police.

Parenting? Forget about it! It's easier to let a corrupt school system do that with healthy doses of anti-depressants for our nation's youth. Or just let them slam another video game into the machine and drone endlessly along through a wasted youth.

I was thinking the other day about our government's reaction to what appears to be any, and all, crisis situations. It's pretty pathetic when you think about it and is the prime reason we have a money munching monster for a federal government. Their answer is to appoint a committee to investigate and find fault. Then the offending party is threatened to no end, laws are passed followed by tax increases to fund the laws they passed and bingo - nothing is really solved truth be known. But they assure us the problem has now been solved and is under control. Off they then go seeking their next re-election contributions. What a racket but public service shouldn't ever be a racket.

The sad fact is that we have fallen into the trap of "thinking" that those we send to Washington DC are doing our bidding. Don't kid yourself any longer. What they are really doing is destroying our society as we have known it by their own greed and avarice. They are in essence using our money to destroy that which we have in the past valued. It's called your FREEDOMS.

So the question for all Americans is, "What has happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave?" Slowly but surely we have let the tentacles of tyranny creep deep within society. It's called you weren't paying attention and I suggest we all do just that before it is too late.

Vote It," "Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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