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Uncle Joe Goes Bonkers!

Updated on July 19, 2013

Sequester Schmester!

I'm starting to invent words for the identification of waste that seems to occur on more than a daily basis coming out of our nation's Capitol. There was the overweight lesbian study I reported on which was followed by the duck penis length study I hit on next. And lo and behold along comes our Crazy Uncle Joe spending over a million of our tax dollars on two nights of hotel accommodations on a recent trip to Europe. You member Uncle Joe of "Jill, take the shotgun outside and open up with both barrels into the air to scare that band of gang bangers away." Yeah that one.

Uncle Joe, along with Dr. Jill his wife, spent one night in Paris and one night in London and it cost us $1 million cool ones. Talk about living large and here we are going bankrupt and these idiots are out there spending money like a drunken sailor on shore leave? No offense meant toward drunken sailors. You liberals paying attention or are you just jealous that he is doing what you can't do?

Sequestration and The Show Goes On...

Isn't there one executive in this administration who believes in, or even espouses, fiscal responsibility? Most of us usually have our own Crazy Uncle ______ (fill in the blank) but we at least watch after him or have a paid caretaker to do it for us. I guess in this case they let theirs run amok.

Here's how it went down. First on February 4th Biden, Dr. Jill and assorted strap hangers and security details rang up $585,000.50 (can't forget the 50 cents) at the Hotel Intercontinental Paris Le Grand. That's a luxury 5 star haberdashery near the Louvre Museum. if my memory serves me correctly don't we have an embassy in Paris where Biden and his not so blushing bride could lay there heads for the night? Biden's little group grope required 100 rooms plus at the Le Grand. The Presidential Suite where crazy one stayed costs a bit over $3,800.00 a night.

To assure US tax payers that our Crazy Uncle Joe is only enjoying top shelf housing here's how the Intercontinental Paris Le Grand describes its digs on the Web:

“With floodlit views of the Opera House, this superbly renovated luxury hotel is at the heart of Parisian society. Opened in 1862, it defines historical grandeur, from Café de la Paix to La Verriere Restaurant, set in an 800 square metre winter garden. Elegantly appointed, the hotel’s boutique-style suites overlook stunning landmarks. Located … close to the Louvre Museum, shopping, theatre and banking districts, this luxury Paris hotel is an icon in the City of Light.”

Only the finest for Crazy Uncle Joe and his conspicuous consumption bride huh? Isn't that special...

So Then Off He Goes To London...

Now I have to respect The Daily Mail because it sticks to reporting facts and the truth. On February 5th this band on Biden misfits showed up in London. Isn't there an embassy there too? I'm just asking...

Someone grab a calculator please. The tab for the one night at the London Hyatt Regency went ch-ching for around $459, 386.65. Notice how they have the figures down to loose change. PM David Cameron reportedly got to have a few chuckles with Uncle Joe during that visit. I wonder if they talked about shotguns! Now here's a head scratcher for you. The London contract called for 136 hotel rooms for one night while it was 100 in Paris. Did they pick up some additional strap hanger baggage during the short trip across the English Channel or what?

Biden’s lavish spending seemed to elicit a response here and there. Here's what one US Representative tweeted which was on my mind as soon as I picked up the news reference the sequester and not allowing tours of The People's House.

“Still no WH tours, but VP Biden’s recent trip to Europe racked up $1mil in hotel room bills,”

This news brought out the Tweeters on Twitter!

Fraud, waste and abuse are alive and well in our nation's Capitol. File this report under WASTE and ABUSE. I think a reimbursement out of Crazy Joe';s piggy bank seems in order.

"Vote It," "Like"It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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