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This Is A Problem - Racism In America

Updated on April 13, 2012

The Black Equivalent To The KKK

It isn't often that I would choose to write about this subject but believe that the time has come. Since the election of Barack Hussein Obama, rather than move forward on this issue, the nation has taken too many backward steps. I never find it amusing when anyone accuses me of being a racist because I vehemently disagree with Obama's policies or lack of sane ones. I am prejudiced but that only applies to ignorant people and yes, they do come in a variety of colors. Having spent 23 years in the US Army, a place where racism is not tolerated in any form, I see everyone as green - the color of the uniform.

I have seen several disturbing videos lately and first I will share one with you so we can gain a point of reference for the rest of the discussion. Listen very closely to what is being said here as it is seditious. Not only is it seditious but the present administration doesn't appear to want to do anything about this totally "uncivil" discourse.

Sedition? I Think So...

Now if the Ku Klux Klan came out with this sort of video, I am almost certain that Eric Holder would be on the war path. It amazes me that this is allowed to continue and go unchecked. Freedom of speech is one thing but sedition is sedition no matter the color of the people advocating it. Now granted that not all black people are in this movement but there is a danger of a coming race war by the agitators and race baiters who have stepped forward the last three years. There seems to be little resistance, if any, from this administration to squelch this. That seemed to have started when Eric Holder refused to prosecute the two members of the NBPP who were dressed in battle dress with night sticks outside a Philadelphia polling place in 2008. That is just outright intimidation and nothing was done about it, other than to dismiss the charges. Questionable? Surely so.

If Obama wants to "change" something this is one of the things that need to change before we do indeed face racial strife in our nation as never seen before. The New Black Panther Party advocates black supremacy, the destruction of capitalism, the intense hatred of white people and the Islamic faith. They, in effect, are the black version of the Ku Klux Klan.

So lets watch this next video and then someone can maybe explain to us why the Department of Justice, under the leadership of one Eric Holder, has again done nothing.

Listen Closely

Since when does placing a bounty on anyone's head equate to anything other than the promotion of lawlessness? It's vigilante justice in its ugliest form. If you go to You Tube and put in "The New Black Panther Party," as I did, and watch some of what is being broadcast it should make you wonder about what is considered seditious speech and what falls in the realm of the First Amendment. Maybe the First Amendment doesn't mean much to this administration but it does to me, especially when it is advocating race warfare and blood in the streets. Taking matters in your own hands rather than letting the justice system run its course is vigilante justice. Is that okay with our Attorney General?

The man you heard on the first video goes by the name of Chawn Kweli. He is the national spokesperson for the NBPP. He seemed to be threatening the nation with a race revolution with bloodshed if I heard him correctly. Is that okay with Eric Holder? Is it okay with Barack Obama in light of the fact that he himself is intent on waging class warfare in order to be re-elected. Can anyone, besides me, see how allowing such dangerous speech and ignoring it lead to something that this nation doesn't need? Why isn't Obama speaking out other than saying if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin. If a frog had wings it wouldn't bump his butt when he hopped too.

Let me remind you that Obama sat in the church of hate monger Jeremiah Wright for 20 years yet according to him he didn't hear a word the Pastor said. Jeremiah recently surfaced in the news too. In West Virginia he recently went on another rant about white people. Something about Jesus Christ being a non-European who was crucified by the Eurpoean (read - white) Pontius Pilate. Talk about spinning the Bible. Good grief. But Obama never heard a word when Wright advocated the "redistribution of wealth." Of course he did. Take a listen to the video Barack claims he slept through. I'm sure his wife wouldn't allow that to happen since she was there with him.

So He Didn't Hear A Word Huh?

There should be no doubt where Obama got his disdain for "rich, white people." There should be no doubt where that type of class warfare got ingrained into Obama to his very core. The other thing I know is that no one I know could sleep through a diatribe when Wright's gets on his racist rant pulpit. Facts speak to the lie. Wright baptised the Obama's daughters. He married Barak and Michelle. He was his spiritual adviser for 20 long years until Obama threw him under the bus for political expediency's sake.

Someone could easily hand Jeremiah Wright a set of fatigues and a beret and he'd fit right in with the New Black Panther Party. In his own words this is what he said about Barack Obama hearing his sermons:

“I’ve been preaching the same way since I was licensed to preach in 1959, ordained in 1967. Barack was in elementary school when I was ordained. CBS, ABC, MSNBC and Fox News spent $4,000 each buying 20 years of my sermons so they could hear what Barack Obama heard for 20 years.”

None of what we are seeing bodes well for this nation. The likes of race baiter like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright in the name of righting wrongs done centuries ago. Let me drop Louis Farrakhan's name into the mix. How can their behavior be so embraced by the liberal Lame Stream Media and the behavior of the NBPP be ignored or touted as a noble cause?

When Obama was elected it was supposed to be the coming of a "post racial" America. I'm not seeing that at all. It appears that the car was jammed into reverse. Countries in Europe have been torn apart along racial lines, literally torn apart. We don't need tribalism in this country and that is what we seem to seeing developing. When black on black crime and murder are largely ignored by the Lame Stream Media and white on black crime is sensationalized doesn't it make even a liberal wonder what is going on and where it can lead?

I'm just askin...

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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