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The Sky Isn't Falling! YET

Updated on September 30, 2013
Shut Er Down!
Shut Er Down!

I Can't Believe He's Not In Handcuffs Either.

As a nation we should be used to Obama's childish temper tantrums by now. Whenever he's on television anymore I hit the mute button because I have a pretty good idea of what is coming. His latest ploy is to call people extremists and he has his minions aboard with the name calling. I don't expect the people who are supposed to be the leaders of this nation to start childish name calling because they can't get their way. Leaders resort to leadership not sniping.

The use of words like anarchists, arsonists, terrorists, Nazis, extortionists, wacko birds, hobbits, suicide bombers and so forth and so on are not becoming of leaders of a nation, regardless of political affiliation in McCain's instance. There is primarily a two party political system in the United States and it should be useful in blending ideas from across America in a melting pot called the nation's Capitol. That train ran off the track completely with the election of Barack Hussein Obama who is a hyper partisan with a hidden agenda he is good at disguising. We can cover that at another time.

Right now we're on the see-saw of political theater concerning the Continuing Resolution (CR) and funding the government, What few media maggots aren't mentioning is why we are continually on this treadmill concerning something that is the federal law of this land. That's called passing an annual budget. Since Obama assumed office this nation has been absent any annual fiscal budget to guide those in Washington about how much money they have to work with. The debt ceiling is tied into this and that battle is about to be replayed again too.

All of this "chicken little" talk we see is because we have elected officials who have failed to do their job. They will continue on that course until we, the citizens of this nation, call them out on it and hold them accountable for being professional pick pockets.

One of the biggest offenders is Barack Obama who wants to act incensed that Congress isn't doing their job and has to pay the past bills that have been racked up. He fails to mention that, as of right now, he is responsible for about a $7 trillion increase being added to the national debt in less than 5 short years. He has done nothing but want to spend money and waste tax payer dollars chasing the illusion that taking money out of the private sector will spur the economy That has never been true and never will be.

Then we have one Harry Reid sitting up there on his pompous butt in the Senate. He has the audacity to say that this nation doesn't need an annual budget to operate. That is technically true because they have been doing just that. But by doing business in that manner we see what we have been seeing, We have been seeing "fiscal cliffs" until I just shake my head in disbelief. Then "sequestration" came along because they couldn't reach an agreement. That was Obama's idea actually and he pounded the podium and told us how terrible that was going to be and I think the average American hasn't felt much, if any, of it.

Now it is a "government shutdown" which might not be too bad of an idea. All they keep doing by being there is screwing this up even further. A government shutdown isn't the end of the world as Obama seems to make it out to be. If he and those clowns in the US Senate had done their jobs and passed an actual budget we wouldn't be looking at another "manufactured crisis." That's an actual fact and Obama avoids facts when he usually speaks. Rhetoric is sometimes more beneficial to his image than the use of facts.

We've had shutdowns before and we're still here as a nation. We've never had a health care law before that was rammed down our throats though and part of the bucking we now see revolves around that issue. I heard someone mention another fact the other day that gets lost in this debate. Constitutionally no Congress is bound by the actions of a previous Congress. Many don't realize that. Even some of those sitting up there pontificating, like Pelosi, don't seem to grasp that simple concept.

No one likes to be held hostage. Right now "We, the People" have been the ones being held hostage for several decades now while we have career politicians in charge rather than statesmen. After a while it gets tiresome and I have come to the realization that all this "manufactured crisis" environment we have been experiencing, especially during the last five years, is so that the thieves we have elected can continue to point fingers at each other and try to cover their tracks about the absolute mess they have made in this nation. Obama and his minions have been using the "hostage taking" rhetoric but it isn't them that are the hostages. It is the citizens of this nation who pay the taxes to keep them in the life style they have become accustomed to that are the true hostages.

The sky isn't falling. Will it fall? I believe from everything I have read and researched that little chunks of people's individual sky will be falling with the implementation of Obamacare. When I see Obama tell the nation that there is "no evidence" that Obamacare is affecting the job situation and employers hiring part time employees or taking full timers and making them part timers it doesn't pass the smell test because FACTS say otherwise.

When I see 10 states whose private insurance industry gets wiped out by exchanges it does give me pause. In those states the largest insurers are pulling out citing the cost of Obamacare. All this is just the beginning of the train wreck. If you've ever seen a train wreck it isn't a pretty sight. What I sense is that Obama is so vain that he can't admit that something with his name attached to it is a failure just like he is.

We have a problem and the problem is those professional politicians we keep sending to Washington DC over and over again. There are no fresh ideas allowed there anymore.. That needs to be changed as do many of the faces on both sides of the aisle. The best interests of our nation need to take precedence over massaging their over sized , elitist egos. Maybe if these professional pick pockets didn't get their paychecks and perks during this shutdown it would give them pause.

How many "non-essential" personnel are going to be furloughed? If they are non-essential do we need them on the payroll? Why did the US Senate take the whole weekend off? Pesky questions abound. Why don't our self-serving lawmakers, and their staff, want to live under Obamacare like everyone else if it is so great? Why isn't the Obama clan going to enroll if it is the best thing since sliced bread? Are they better than the average American?

The most recent Reuter's poll had Obama's approval rating at 39%. He shouldn't wonder why. He is getting to be totally non-essential.

Share it with your followers here and on Face Book, Tweet It, Pin It and do anything else you can to let people read the truth.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

A Health Care Red Line? Really?.


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