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The Healthcare Disaster Or Mars Or....

Updated on October 22, 2013

A Delicious Irony

Seems that the public's short term memory loss concerning Obama and Obamacare is circling around to administer a bite in the buttocks. This is subject to be the most monumental disaster ever crammed down the collective throats of American tax payers To further exacerbate an already bad situation Obama and his hench people are intent on once again not releasing information that the public has a right to know since it is our money that seems to vanishing into thin air repeatedly.

Now I know according to our liberal sages the problems with the website are being caused by the sheer volume of people who are flocking to sign up. That's the usual rubbish strewn around Obama to deflect his total incompetence and knowledge about a disaster he himself created for us. The real story seems a little different than Obama spin as usual. His lips started moving again it seems.

You Might Sign Up Here And Have A Better Chance....

First up on the list is that one way trip to the "Mars Colony" that more people have signed up for possibly taking than have registered for Obamacare. It's upwards of 200,000 people at this point and some have made a deposit to hold their seat. That may turn out to be a better investment than signing up for the USS Obamacare journey. Irony drips off the fact that more people are willing to take that one trip to the red planet than risk Obamacare.

I'm betting dollars to donuts that it will be a long, long time and heaps of foot dragging before the real truth about this "glitch prone" fiasco is revealed. Just the little things like how many people have signed up and PAID FOR their Obamacare ride.

Lets use my buddy Stu's state as an example. Enrollment in Vermont, a socialist bastion, has enrolled just 712 Obamacare sheeple to date. So far the state has spent $9 million of tax payer dollars to hit that staggering figure. After spending $9 million on outreach, advertising and other PR ventures that's the kit and caboodle. I'm surprised that many people were even able to access that website but the state is running their own own exchange so who knows.

Gross Incompetence On Display

Then we have HHS head Kathleen Sebilius pulling a "Hillary" on us about testifying before a Congressional committee attempting to find out what the hell is going on with this disastrous law and how much it has cost so far and how much more it is going to cost to fix something she had over 3 years to fine tune. I predict that the final figures will be staggering just like the initial estimate of this administration about how much this mess is going to ultimately add to the national debt in a short period of time. As of late she has made time in her busy schedule to appear on Comedy Central in an effort to attract young people to make a really stupid decision to enroll and waste their precious dollars.

Then this Thursday, since she's so busy trying to straighten out the mess she helped create, she can squeeze in time to travel to a big gala in Boston. But she can't seem to appear before Congress for a hearing scheduled to honor her and her incompetence.

Now the way Obama spun this, and still does, is that his plan was so unpopular and remains so because of poor messaging. Really? What he should be saying is that his teleprompter made all those grandiose promises and he had not a thing to do with it as usual. Or the old fall back position that it is "the Republican's fault" even though there were locked out of writing the law.

Sold A Bill Of Goods Again America!

From the scant information available about our money spent so far Obama, via the HHS, has spent $394 million building the website and associated trappings. They even went so far as testing it one week before the October 1st roll out. I'm just waiting now for a spokesperson to tell us all how it worked like a charm right before the roll out but then went POOF.

The prime contractor has already been paid more than $200 million and counting. It turns out that contractor was FIRED by a Canadian province or two for screwing up its medical records database. Take comfort my liberal thinkers those are your medical records subject to all manner of abuse with the roll out of Obamacare.

Rumor has it that Obama is going to give us one of his famous teleprompter addressees today about how misunderstood we are and he isn't. So grab a chair, some popcorn and a soda and enjoy more snake oil pitching.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "The cost to taxpayers has risen along with the blundering. CGI Federal, a U.S. subsidiary of the Canadian firm CGI Group, received a no-bid contract with a base value of $55.7 million in 2011 to develop the website. Since then, the potential cost has risen to $292 million, although serious problems remain."

Vote It," "Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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