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That's Racist

Updated on August 1, 2012

From the "You Had To Know This Was Coming" desk. Reflecting back to the 2008 "lets get giddy" over the first black (kinda sorta) President and how he wanted to make sure race wasn't going to be a factor in his election we can now turn the clock forward to reality since it was turned there for us by sheer performance, or maybe the lack thereof. I've seen the race card played so many times since Barack H. Obama's election that I've come to expect it. If you don't like Obama's policies it has to be because you're a racist and has nothing to do with his socialist policies and proclivities.

It seems that both the Lames Stream Media (LSM) and the Obama Team can go into a full blown panic when any reputable poll is released that shows "The One" on the ropes. Usually when that happens you know what is going to happen. What am I talking about? What it took the LSM about 5 days to pick up on and then start the spin that what he said was "taken out of context (see below)." That was such an obvious lie that Ajax couldn't scrub that one off.

Context seems to be everything these days when Obama makes a gaffe when the teleprompter isn't on. The media tried to twist that pretzel every which way in order to spin it to mean that Obama was talking about roads and bridges. What he was doing was his slap stick comedy routine, kinda sorta, to ridicule those members of society who don't, haven't, nor probably ever will think the federal government has much to do with their building a successful business. After all, those same roads and bridges also run to failed businesses. Sometimes logic never seems to permeate the left brain as it should.

What I find more than a bit despicable is the Lames Stream Media's playing that card of last resort, commonly called "The Race Card," as the last defense of "The One" sticking his foot in his mouth. They failed miserably at selling the lie so they crown that accomplishment with the even bigger lie. In this case it is, "Hitting Obama With 'You Didn't Build That' Is Racist." How one arrives at such a conclusion, other than by sheer stupidity, is beyond me. He said exactly what he said and if any one listens to the entire segment they realize that Obama sees the government as being the determiner of success for those who sweat and toil to be a success.

But up steps New York Magazine to shout from the roof tops: RACISM! Any criticism of Obama has to be racism at work, especially when every other lie was attempted to deflect the truth of the matter. So out it comes - the much revered LSM race card. It's target this time was an ad that came out shortly after Obama slammed his foot in his mouth. I still find it incredible that any President of this nation would even utter such words about a valued segment of our society. That would be the creators of jobs you're denigrating Barack. So lets watch the ad that Jonathan Chait of the New York Mag is screaming "racism" about. I must be missing something. Seems like normal people expressing their opinion of what was said and how it was said is suddenly clothed in white sheets and burning crosses.

Here's what Jonathan wrote, "The key thing is that Obama is angry, and he’s talking not in his normal voice but in a “black dialect.” This strikes at the core of Obama’s entire political identity: a soft-spoken, reasonable African-American with a Kansas accent. From the moment he stepped onto the national stage, Obama’s deepest political fear was being seen as a “traditional” black politician, one who was demanding redistribution from white America on behalf of his fellow African-Americans."

That short paragraph is too close to race baiting for this writer. Yes Obama obviously was angry. Anger can be an interesting emotion in many people. It has a tendency to bring out what is really on someone's mind. It is indifferent to the color of one's skin when it comes rolling out. The majority of the time it is exactly what that person feels in their very core. So I have to view what Chait wrote in context. It's race baiting and desperation. I expect to see more of it as the campaign progresses but I don't find it particularly entertaining when it occurs. During the past several weeks it has become quite pronounced at times.

We have politicians and the media playing a dangerous race game. The Great Uniter is showing his true hand and it sure ain't pretty. Class warfare in this country has taken great strides under Obama. Is that what one should expect from the President of the United States? Why is it every criticism of Obama or his policies is usually met with "You're a racist?"

I'm just askin...

As Always,

The Frog Prince

Remember In November!


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