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Barack's Teleprompter Smackdown

Updated on August 29, 2013

What you saw last night was Obama without the benefit of a teleprompter telling him what to say. At one point he looked behind them maybe thinking there might be one back there to give him words of wisdom. What was with his looking down the majority of the time and not looking Romney straight in the eyes. It is said that you can tell when someone is lying because they won't look you directly in the eye. What we saw last night in the first of the debates was proof of that. Obama tried to spin the spin but how does one defend failure. He couldn't wouldn't and shouldn't.

It was like watching WWF Midget Wrestling where there was a mental midget (Obama) trying to kick the kneecaps of a man who knew his business (Romney). Obama has ridden along for close to four years without being challenged and his first go around in the ring was a smack down. Without that teleprompter strapped to his head he's lost.

At one point last night I thought maybe it would have been better to have the usual empty chair on stage rather than slipping Barack Obama up there. Last night the Cult of Personality took a serious shot in the shorts because the Lame Stream Media couldn't control what was put before the American public. We moved from the realm of a snake oil salesmen selling "hope and change" to the world of reality that now that we are actually making a "choice" based upon someone who now has a failed record as the yardstick.

I had to chuckle this morning about some of the one liners I read. One that will always stick in my mind concerns Eric Holder now sending Jim Lehrer to GITMO for not protecting the Midget-In-Chief. It was amusing to watch as far left pundit after pundit started throwing their Messiah under the bus after the debate was over.

Chrissy Throws A Hissy! The Tingle Must Be Gone!

Some of the left's reactions:

Chris Matthews -- “We have our knives out! We go after the people and the facts! What was Obama doing tonight — he went in there disarmed!”
Bill Maher -- "Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter"
Michael Moore -- "This is what happens when you pick John Kerry as your debate coach"

Was that a debate or the spanking that Obama has had coming since he assumed office? I'd suggest that during the next debate prep sessions that they find someone besides Lurch Kerry to be a stand in.

Might Wanna Get A New Coach Next Time...


The contrast between the two men was stark. Romney appeared friendly, his points had substance not driven by ideology but based on practical business experience. He presented rational, well thought out counter arguments when Obama started spouting his ideological theories. Obama was head down and smirking at times which people don't usually cotton to. I used to call him Smirksalot and might have to go back to that nickname. He tried to sell his progressive ideology as if socialism is as natural as breathing air.

Now it was funny when at one point he asked the moderator to move on to the next subject. I reckon he thought he had taken enough of a pummeling. The tactic seemed more than a bit familiar in retrospect. It is exactly what he did when he first assumed office. Here we were as a nation experiencing the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression (a favorite Obamaism). Rather than deal with the economy and creating jobs he ducked and off he went for 2 years diddling with Obamacare. The whole time since he has played the blame game about his failure to lead. You saw a lot of it again last night and Romney wasn't about to let him get away with it. Leaders don't place blame they lead from the front and rarely from the rear.

Exchange of the night: “Right now, you can actually take a deduction for moving a plant overseas. I think Americans would say that doesn't make sense," President Barack Obama said.

'It doesn't make sense," Romney agreed. “Look, I've been in business for 25 years. I have no idea what you're talking about. I maybe need to get a new accountant.”

The reason it doesn't make sense is because it isn't so. Read the link below. There is no telling what lie Obama is capable of telling his sheeple, not We, the People...

A Reminder...

For those who have been thinking about voting for a third party candidate you need to reconsider. Four more years of Obama and this nation you won't recognize. Please don't waste even one vote thinking that your protest is a better cause. We still have a lot of work to do. The 2010 election was the beginning and there is much work to be done. We gave Obama a chance and all those empty promises were just that. Every time Romney brought another one to Obama's attention, the head went down, the eyes became hooded and usually the smirk came to his face. If you voted for him in 2008 that smirk was for you. He got you the first time on "hope and change." An empty suit is just that and so is that empty chair that needs a leader sitting in it.

Yes, there was a smackdown and Obama had to profit the Cult of Personality and didn't find it comfortable to do so. I wouldn't find it odd if he tries to have the next debate teleprompter fed. How dare a mere mortal challenge the ideology of The One! What is this nation coming to? Hopefully to its senses.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: We've gone from the world's greatest economic superpower to a Barack Obama economy where Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi claim food stamps and unemployment benefits are economic activity. And in our final death throes under Obama we've become “The Suicide Economy.”

"Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

Remember In November


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