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Shiny Objects And Pulling The Wool

Updated on December 11, 2014

Tis the season...

Back in the day, but not really that long ago, we had a smooth talker aspire to the office of the Chief Executive Officer of our powerful nation. I won't call him the President of the United states because he hasn't ever really filled those shoes since he sold vast quantities of his snake oil. Yes, there are words like "hope" and "change" and he sold the public everything but that and they bit not once but twice.

So here we are 6 years later and the gravy train has been snatched away from the Democratic Party after they have saddled us with a national debt that is 70% larger than it was when Obama, their master, assumed an office he was never, and never will be, experienced enough to assume. So now just before it's time to scurry back into their holes for about 3 decades the "shiny object syndrome" is being pulled out of the Obama Christmas bag as bad news pours down upon both them and the American public.

We should be putting shiny objects on our Yuletide trees rather than having them dangled in our faces by the likes of Dianne Feinstein and her ilk. In reality though we, the American taxpayer, should expect this classless act having had to endure it since Obama took office. Look over here and not over there is their modus operandi

Now To The Heart Of The Matter...

The question is why did it take 7 years for a bogus, partisan report to be released purporting atrocities by the CIA that were used to obtain that information necessary to prosecute the War on Terrorism? Let me be clear. The reason was purely political and Dianne Feinstein herself freely admitted that she released it because the Democrats were about to have their committee chairmanships snatched away. Considering the lives of the people, both CIA and military, will be put in jeopardy by this careless disregard for their safety under the guise of political correctness this is a despicable act of letting power get in the way of sound judgment.

This is no more than a rehash of old business that was settled years ago. Now they roll it out once more as a distraction and a sick one at that. They would rather try to focus on useless shiny objects than the election results of this past month when they got the door shown to them because of their lack of governance. Seems that relevance isn't in their focus because they'd rather focus on anything else but their screwing up this country for the past 6+ years.

Was it just a coincidence that Feinstein and her tribe released their report on the same day Grubergate was taking center stage on Capitol Hill? The American public has been "tortured" by Obamacare since it was passed using a string of lies that would make Pinocchio blush.

Chuckles to Chuckie Schumer and outgoing Senator Tom Harkin, one of the Obamacare political architects for stepping up to the plate and fessing up to the train wreck we see unravelling concerning this piece of trash legislation loaded with taxes but light on individual health care issues. But lets rehash supposed "torture" as their signature piece of legislation continues to come apart at the seams and become even more unpopular than it was when they rammed it down the public's throat. Better to look at Feinstein's shiny object is it?

Then there is the issue of the fake unemployment figures that keep getting waved around as a recovery. Smoke and mirrors will always be smoke and mirrors. There is a "real unemployment rate" Virginia and it actually counts both the underemployed and those who have given up looking for work. I've written about this before and it exceeds 10% on the low side of the equation. They don't want you looking over there that snapshot because Obama and his minions have had 6 years to deal with an issue that normally takes just a couple of years to resolve. Taking a hard gander at that means more negative smoke signals in the Democratic camp. We've had a "do nothing" Senate for 6 years of which Dianne Feinstein got paid to partake in.

And I'll be darned if the IRS scandal hasn't gone away despite Obama's "not a smidgeon of corruption" claim. Seems that Lois Lerner's emails suddenly have been recovered! I'm thinking the new Congress is about to get down to the bottom of the scandal barrel and there will be a smoking gun discovered in the White House. Stay tuned because they'd rather you focus on "water boarding" a bunch of terrorists who deserved more than the CIA was legally capable of doing to them.

Probably also slipping under the radar is the FACT that the nation's national debt just topped $18 trillion which is an increase of 70% since Obama and his wise sages took over the reins of the nation's economy. I repeated that here so the sheer gravity of that happening might finally sink in with some readers. Now they're haggling over a 1,603 page Omnibus bill soaring over $1.1 trillion which is another record of spending carelessly.

These professional pick pockets can claim quite an achievement there but just don't look and the media ignored their job again in reporting reality and not Democratic fantasy. The national debt stood at 10 trillion dollars which was accumulated between George Washington and George W. Bush. The other 8 trillion is attributable to the mismanagement of Barack Hussein Obama and a do nothing US Senate operating on NO budget what-so-ever.

So Merry Christmas my fellow citizens! Lets concentrate on looking at the shiny objects on our Christmas trees this year and not the nonsense we see occurring over and over again year after year from these elected talking heads who think they are representing us when it is clear they represent only themselves. We need to watch the stewards of our tax dollars like a hawk and let them know that we're watching them. I predicted it will take three to four election cycles to take out the trash and I seem to be on target.

Aw go ahead and share the information as we begin to enter the New Year.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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