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Run Baby Run Right Back Home

Updated on November 26, 2013

But Debbie Downer Said...

I think Wasserman-Schultz would be the last person I would want to speak for me. But I think she's doing a fine job of speaking for Democrats-at-large. I prefer that she keep running her gums and damn the torpedoes full speed ahead. The last two months has been like watching a dodge ball game on an elementary school playground and up steps Debbie Downer to proclaim that the Democrats were going to be more than proud to run on Obamacare as their banner in 2014.

Obama and his minions must have immediately wanted to slap a muzzle on the woman. Ssshhh... She might be the best weapon Republicans have to recapture the US Senate in 2014. The House is already prepared to pick up some more seats. Probably the only person that can do more damage by opening her pie hole is Nancy Pelosi. Listen to the first video below and then see what Pelosi has to say in her botox induced stupor and we'll move on.

Stand Tall Democrats

Maybe those two don't know what the rest of their Democrat colleagues seem to know. They don't seem to be betting dollars to donuts that this miraculous date of November 30th will heal the planet or cure Obamacare's sickness. That sickness is called abject stupidity. Two prime specimens can be seen above. Too many more can be spied in the districts they represent.

Now it will be interesting to watch as they throw the Obama administration under the bus as they have witnessed him doing many times this past 5 years. I'm already amazed, though not really since I predicted it, as I watch them eat their young. They are busily laying the groundwork to shift the blame to everyone and anyone who looks to be a likely target to deflect the fact that they voted for this fiasco.

You see they don't want their constituents to punish them too harshly for passing the dumbest piece of legislation ever written without bothering to read a word of it back on that fateful Christmas Eve. They don't want us to remember how if we liked our health insurance plan we could keep it. PERIOD. Or keep our doctor. PERIOD. Or that our insurance premiums would go down an average of $2,500 a year. PERIOD. They were just kidding and misleading you so just forget about it.

November 30th, which is this week, isn't going to be pretty. I don't have them pulling off getting things straight by then. It took them over three years of not paying attention to get us to October 1st of this year. This has been like watching Rambler roll out the Gremlin. You youngsters wouldn't understand a word of that so lets move on.

One can never tell about these magic "Obama dates" when life will be wonderful all the time. First it was November 30th was a hard date then it was "well, we don;t know and nothing was etched in stone." Were they listening to the same press conferences I was? Hell's bells, it was them mouthing the words. but one must remember that this Whine House can spin victory out of defeat. Amazing but true.

If by an any outside chance the website itself can be remotely claimed to be a success after its abject failure the Whine House pundits will pull out their spinning wheels and go at it furiously. Carney likes to call it "old news" such as when 4 Americans lost their lives in Benghazi. That still isn't old news Jay-Bob. They'll be wanting to forge forward into a new frontier and newer lies I am sure.

Sherlock Holmes won't have jack squat on the likes of these Democrats scrambling to find out who done what, when and where to cause this gigantic screw up. They'll want to know who betrayed them without mentioning the fact that they passed this monstrosity without reading the bill first. I guarantee you they will make Sherlock and Watson proud.

Can't you just see Congressional Democrats out there on the rubber chicken circuit Obama prefers over leading? This seems to happen over every recent holiday season. Our professional pick pockets want to leave us high, dry and wondering while they figure out their political strategies for 2014. They moved the sign up date for Obamacare from December 15th to the 23rd with no fanfare. You didn't know? Now you do.

I'm scratching my head wondering how in the world these tired has been pick pockets are going to run against Obama's "signature" legislation? What is even more mystifying to me is how they presently get out of bed in the morning and look at themselves in the mirror. Then I remember. They are professional politicians and not common people. They can easily lie for the benefit of some twisted political ideology.

The fact is that they were NOT forced into signing something not one of them read along a party line vote. They did that willing. I hope you take comfort in that. They trusted the biggest snake oil salesman to ever inhabit our political scene enough to go forth and tell the American people just hiow wonderful Obamacare was going to be. But lately Obama himself has tried to divorce his name from his signature piece of legislation. Good luck with that Barack.

Coming Next Is Losing Your Employer Insurance

So here we go again. Obama keeps changing the dates in panic knowing what is about to occur as each deadline approaches. November 30th is but 4 days away. So how will the spin go? If it doesn't come down like it should what do you think should happen to Obamacare? So if we assume that the relaunch is peachy keen the other problems with the law will stick out more like a sore thumb than they already do. if it goes down in flames like the launch of the space shuttle Challenger then what will Obama say next?

Obama and his bud Harry Reid want us to look anywhere but at the serious problem they created for themselves but moreover for the American public. It will always be the Republicans fault in their twisted minds but they wanted nothing to do with any of this in the form we see it.

Also In The News: "Iranian officials announced the upcoming construction of two new nuclear plants on Saturday, just hours before the United States and Western nations signed a nuclear pact that will allow Iran to continue enriching uranium, the key component in a nuclear weapon."

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "The Democrats promised voters something for nothing. They have delivered nothing for something."

Vote It," "Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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