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Promise The World...

Updated on September 13, 2013

But It's Not A Good Idea

It's easy for a politician, any politician, to promise this country the world. It is much harder to deliver. In Obama's case I have never witnessed any President in my lifetime promise so much and fall so drastically short. I was born in 1951 so I've seen them come and seen them go.

I saw the hand writing on the wall back in 2008 when a relative unknown burst upon the scene and the snake oil sales pitch began. I cautioned people not to let their emotions over rule their common sense but it was for naught. People were weary and rightfully so but they decided to choose someone who had no idea what to do, when to or how to do it to guide the greatest nation on this earth we live on.

I was hoping against hope that Obama could deliver. That's where many of his disciples should have been rather than telling anyone who knew his policies were as screwed up as a soup sandwich that we were racist, or we were this or we were that. More than a few of us have walked in moccasins that those koolaid slurpers had never experienced and hopefully never will.

But I have also seen some consummate con men in my life and pegged him for that just by the total lack of being able to gauge the man by any discernible record. Who was he? No one seemed to know and the media didn't appear interested in finding out. That was an immediate red flag for me because the Lame Stream Media has been in the tank and biased for a couple of decades now.

Watching the collapse of any Presidency is not what any citizen wants to really see. But the electorate asked for a second helping of incompetence even after witnessing the first four miserable years where he had over promised and made many feel warm and fuzzy because he knew they wanted warm and fuzzy. Still empty promises are what politicians are made of. They are, in a sense, the worst sort of con men/women walking the face of the earth. He told the world that if he didn't have our economy fixed by the end of his first term then he would be a one term President. But, like many other things, he talks the talk but avoids the walk.

So we're into the first year of his second term and it's report card time. He has failed over and over again and there doesn't appear to be any relief in sight. He spent a large amount of political capital on gun control. The Second Amendment is sacred ground in this nation whether progressive liberals like it or not. His gun initiatives were non-starters and just recently a couple of legislators in Colorado got recalled when they decided to go against the will of the people. They jumped on that Obama wagon though and got hung out to dry for it. Climate change was a major issue during his inaugural address, During his first term the bill he tried to run through a Democratic majority Congress came up short and was tabled.

Next up was his idea of sequestration that was cooked up thinking that was a good idea in the absence of an agreement he knew would never be made. It was his idea and he blamed anyone and everyone but himself for it. So he got petty and stopped things like tours of The People's House for children and tourists. That's one of the pettiest things I've ever seen any politician do.

Hang in there I'm still handing out his grades.

It has been three years since Obamacare was passed over the objections of the majority of Americans. Waivers for the elites have been flying out of the HHS since it was passed. The employer mandate, one of the keys to the act, was just delayed until after the next election. That "after" should tell you something. Even the chief Senate architect of the bill has termed it a "train wreck" in the making and is even more unpopular now than it was when it was passed. A couple of weeks from implementation and nobody seems to know which way is up about making it work. The exchanges still aren't close to being ready.

The jobs reports have been consistently jiggered to give the false illusion that more people are back to work. The reality is that the labor participation rate is at an all time high and that means more people are giving up looking for work than ever before in history. The majority of jobs that are being created are part time jobs, not full time ones. Attribute some of that to Obamacare. Immigration reform is dead right now because the Gang of 8 tried to write another massive piece of legislation that would only make the situation worse, not better. More failures atop failures.

And now Obama's handling of Syria is making him the laughing stock of the world while Putin shows him what "more flexibility" really means. Obama went from being the roaring lion who was going to bomb Syria to a paper tiger when faced with reality. Benghazi remains a cover up and unanswered though Obama does seem concerned about the children who have died in the Syrian civil war and not the least bit about the 4 Americans who were left to die in Libya that fateful night of September 11th of 2012. Some one explain that to me.

This was the man who was going to heal the planet and make the oceans recede? Now someone bother to tell me now how an inexperienced community organizer was going to pull that one off? "Yes We Can" is now "No We Didn't." If they were the ones we've been waiting for then we're in even more trouble than I thought we were in going into this fiasco. This next video will easily illustrate the stark reality of what Obama promised and what he has failed to deliver.

I've been watching Presidents for decades now. As we watch Obama understand that all candidates over promise. That's their nature. Then they fall short when they assume the highest office in this land. Some fall shorter than others but no person who has ever sat in that chair has made so many promises and failed to deliver on them so many times during his tenure. He has outdone even Jimmie Carter.

Narcissism At Its Finest

Obama got in over his head and has stayed there up to this very minute. he was totally unqualified and not experienced enough to handle the duties that are thrust upon the chief executive of our country. The harm this one man has done our nation is inexcusable and will stick to us for quite some time. Yes, Obama is a skilled orator but oration isn't leading. He can read a teleprompter like few can and get crowds fired up with empty words such as "hope" and "change." But let the lesson be learned the hard way as it has been. Sometimes life is like that. The next time a snake oil salesman who can sell fleas to a dog comes along and his claim to fame is as a community organizer - remember what happened this time don't ever forget about it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

In Closing He Promised You These Things....


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