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President "Transparency" Obama

Updated on March 19, 2014

President Barack Hussein Obama on January 21, 2009 said: "Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency." We haven't seen that come to fruition. Obama likes to hammer Bush, back then and even now, but the fact of the matter is that his administration hasn't even been as transparent as the last one much less the most transparent in history as Obama likes to claim. But Obama likes to claim many things that just are a figment of his imagination if not outright lies.

To most Americans, those who believed his empty rhetoric about transparency that swept him into office, now see that what he says isn't usually close to what he does. Empty suits are like that. So for you faithful followers of Obama lets go back to the tape and listen to EXACTLY what he said to get you to bite the hook.

Listen To Exactly What He Said Then Lets Talk

"The way to make government responsible is to hold it accountable." Yes that is exactly what he said and isn't what we have been seeing since then. He cites the use of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) as being the most powerful weapon the average citizen has to insure transparency and holding the federal government accountable. My theory is that he had no idea just how powerful it was designed to be until it came to bear on his corrupt administration and the officials who tag along with Obama.

"On the side of those who seek to make it known..." Really now? Just the opposite is true. Seems that the Associated Press took a look at the Obama administration's treatment of FOIA requests and found that those federal agencies Obama charged to be transparent have been uncooperative and even more so than in the past. But then again Obama's lips were moving so there you go.

Several news articles are saying that Obama has a ways to go to fulfill that campaign promise made over 5 years ago. That is an understatement to say the least. Even when Congressional panels subpoena documents this administration turns a blind eye and acts like they don't need to comply. When it does comply the documents have been so severely redacted that no one can possibly discern the truth from what they are given. "A ways to go?" Indeed.

Here's the way the Associated Press reported it's findings after reviewing Obama's lack of transparency:

"More often than ever, the administration censored government files or outright denied access to them last year under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, cited more legal exceptions it said justified withholding materials and refused a record number of times to turn over files quickly that might be especially newsworthy, according to a new analysis of federal data by The Associated Press.

The government's own figures from 99 federal agencies covering six years show that halfway through its second term, the administration has made few meaningful improvements in the way it releases records. In category after category — except for reducing numbers of old requests and a slight increase in how often it waived copying fees — the government's efforts to be more open about its activities last year were their worst since President Barack Obama took office.

And five years after Obama directed agencies to less frequently invoke a "deliberative process" exception to withhold materials describing decision-making behind the scenes, the government did it anyway, a record 81,752 times."

Now I know my liberal readers will tell us that these things take time. Obama needs to remember that when he says he'll rule by the pen and the phone. What he said in that video above was a directive to the federal bureaucracy. All be it an empty one.

I've heard Obama, and his press secretary Jay "The Liar" Carney, tell the public enough times that this is the "most transparent administration" in history and that is pathetic. Once again the opposite is true. But that is usually the case with reality and truth coming eventually to the forefront. One important lesson the American people should be learning from Obama is that just because the President of the United States says it is so doesn't make it so. That's a sad state of affairs but is the glaring truth surrounding Obama time after time after time.

Yes Obama himself has now become very transparent. Only the people left with those partisan political blinders welded to their thick skulls don't seem to see right through him. Obama is just like any other politician out there telling us what he thinks we want to hear in order to exercise his agenda which usually is the opposite of what we want to hear. In his case it appears that he hates this country and the principles it stands for by his actions, not his words.

Charles Krauthammer was spot on early on in this administration when he told the nation to watch what Obama does and ignore what he says, I have continually used that as my gauge in reporting the goings on around Barack Hussein Obama.

Graphs, videos and tapes capture the truth when examining anyone in public office. This is the information age, not the obliteration of information age. You can indeed tell a lie so many times that people may believe it but many aren't of the sheep mentality and want just the truth. The above graph vividly illustrates how what has occurred under the Obama administration is the opposite of the empty rhetoric that Obama likes to throw around as "his" truth. Notice how over his years in office the trends have increased and not decreased. Then ask yourself, "Why?"

Without going into great detail I have included a link below to an article about our country falling to 46th in the world concerning "freedom of the press." We should be number 1 in that category but we've slid in a lot of areas since Barack Hussein Obama was elected. Ever wonder why that is happening? You shouldn't.

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As Always,

The Frog Prince


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