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President "Glitch" Proclaims... (POLL)

Updated on October 2, 2013

Just Be Patient...

Now please understand that the Obama administration has had how many years since passing Obamacare to design, test, modify, retest and rollout a workable system. January of 2009 until October 1st of 2013 is how long? Don't make me do the math because my head hurts just thinking about the intensity of the incompetence of this administration.

So we had one non-event, the government shutdown, and one supposed event, the roll out of Obamacare neither of which this nation really needs nor desires. The shutdown is more desirable than Obamacare looking at various polls. But listen my fellow Americans. President "Glitch" Obama says everything is going to be okay because he is still at the helm and as long as he is President blah, blah, blah...

He actually had the audacity of comparing his rollout with the roll out of Apple products. Good grief the man is more insane than I thought he was. If Apple had as long a product development cycle as this administration just had and the whole thing crashed like his did then Apple should shutter the doors and close. But wait! Maybe that's why a government shutdown occurred on the same day of the Dear Leader's roll out.

Months? Really? I myself expect years of glitches with Obamacare until we can get a handle on having some sane lawmakers who repeal the thing. It seems like it was a VERY bad idea to pass this crafted in secret law without anyone having the opportunity to sift through the details before enacting it. But as long as Barack Obama is President blah, blah, blah... Maybe we need to change that diaper too?

The other event that all should notice on a slow news day is that Harry Reid and the US Senate made sure that he and his cronies aren't bound like the rest of us to the rules of Obamacare. Isn't that special? So we have Harry Reid's government shutdown and I wonder why they are getting paid and still soaking up their perks and that includes "I won't compromise" Glitch Obama. He's not under his own namesake's system either with Moochelle and the bambinos.

Back to Harry.and the last proposal that the House sent over before Harry shut the government down. That amendment included a provision to level the playing field and delay the individual mandate. After all. King "Glitch" Obama himself illegally changed the law and delayed the employer mandate so why not the rest of us? See I don't think like a liberal. The next part you need to really pay attention to if you're a blame fixing liberal.

There was a provision in there that tried to bring Congress in line with the rest of us. Obama had also previously unilaterally given Congress an assist right before the summer recess. In some circles that is known as a bribe, but not in Chicago. Congress and its staff were given the special treatment by the Office of Personnel Management, via a regulation not a law, of a hefty subsidy to offset the cost of their premiums. Did you get yours? What the Republican amendment did was to try to insure Congress and its staff would be stuck like chuck with the same Obamacare plans the rest of us face. Only fair right? Wrong so read on.

Harry Reid, with his usual lack of lead from behind like a coward, led the US Senate down a bad path of keeping their special health care perks along with that up to 75% federal contribution for the cost of their premiums. I guarantee you that every last one of them will be on the :"Platinum Plan." Wouldn't you be if someone else, like the tax payers, was paying for it? This is how brain dead Harry Reid is. He made the following proclamation as this went down, "Members of Congress and congressional staffers live by the same rules as other Americans."

Now I realize that Reid isn't always the brightest bulb on the tree but making a statement like that while simultaneously voting against the House amendment that would guarantee that they are redefines how stupid the man is.

So there you have some details you won't get from the Lame Stream Media. May I suggest that the next time you go to a polling place to vote that you take the time to research which side of the fence your law makers are really on. It may just surprise you to find out that they are on "their" side of the fence and not yours at all. They are busy buttering their own bread on both sides and you can just eat your cake dry like everyone else thank you very much.

Just be patient because President "Glitch" Obama is at the helm. Please take the poll as you exit.

"Vote It," "Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

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