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OweBama's Words Back When...

Updated on April 6, 2012

The Pot Calls The Kettle Black Again

It's The Economy Stupid

This is the next part in my series of vetting Barack Hussein Obama for the 2012 elections. At this point in time I look around at the tactics that Obama is employing to deflect the American public, that would be divide and conquer, and wonder how many intelligent people are biting on those skinny bones he keeps tossing out of his bus window. He sold people the first time around on the "hope and change" brainwashing technique. Now it's reverted to the "rich are meanies" and clas warfare brainwashing technique as hope dwindles and many are hoping to change the diapers in the Whine House as soon as possible.

Back in 2008 Obama said a lot and promised more. The economy was on weak legs and people were weary. A young upstart, inexperienced Community Organizer came riding to the rescue with this quiver full of arrows and started shooting off his mouth about how he knew all the answers and would fix things for us and our heirs. He fixed things alright and now we're in a hell of a fix and our heir's future isn't the bowl of cherries he promised them. I'm "hoping" the young people of this nation can see the folly of their mistakes of going to the polls having been hypnotized by a con man.

Right now Obama wants everyone to look at everything but "the ball." The ball is the economy. We see the rising gas prices which aren't his fault of course. That's Bush's fault. We go to the grocery store and see less in the basket for the same amount of money and, of course, that isn't his fault either. We see our tax dollars being spent on his brand of capital cronyism, such as Solyndra, and that isn't his mess either "per se." The list could go on but I want to focus on something he said on the campaign trail on July 3rd of 2008 for this vetting session. Lets watch the video.

Unpatriotic? Who?

"Irresponsible" and "unpatriotic" is what he called it. It's right there for all to now see when before he was elected there was no record to see. You see, my fellow Americans, the reality is that this second time around Obama can't run on his record. It is dismal, especially regarding the increased national debt he has saddled us with. But according to him all his woes are the rich people's fault but let me remind you that he is in that category himself. His tactic now is to sow the seeds of discontent over the failed policies that he himself has planted. Now someone who is absolutely stupid and gullible might buy that rhetoric but the rest of us now have a record, or lack of it, to gauge the man by.

So if George W. Bush was "unpatriotic" and "irresponsible" for his excessive spending what does that make Obama. It sure doesn't put him in the category of a George Patton, Doglas MacArthur or Dwight D. Eisenhower now, does it? What it took 8 years for Bush to accomplish it has taken Obama less than three years to do by himself. You know "by his lonesome." But I reckon that will have to be Bush's fault too. His pointing that bonby finger at everyone for his own exacerbation of an already bad situation would be hysterical if it wasn't so utterly pathetic.

Going back and looking at every man, woman and child's share of the increasing national debt at the time he slung that mud should give your credit card a warm fuzzy to your backside. Back when he said that it was, according to Obama again, $30K per US citizen. It now sits at approaching $50K for every man, woman and child who is a citizen of this nation. That doesn't include his undocumented voters who don't have any skin in the game either. It means that the baby born just within the last few minutes you have been reading this enters the world with Obama's "Bank of China" credit card tattoed on their behind. Don't believe me? Take a look at the running national debt clock I posted at the link.


"The problem is" that since assuming office Obama has doubled down on using that "Bank of China" credit card he poo-pooed Bush using in that video and went on the largest excessive spending spree our nation has ever witnessed. But that isn't his money he is spending, it is our money he has been squandering like a drunken sailor on shore leave. No offense intended to you swabbies out there. "The problem is" is that Obama is one of the biggest hypocrites I have ever seen. That's one of the problems I have with him.

So he did it the way "Bush had done it for the past 8 years" and doubled down at the craps tables with our money. How irresponsible was that? How unpatriotic was doing that? I know. I know. It was all Bush's fault. He made Obama pull out that same "Bank of China" credit card and go wild with it.

Yes, President Obama, our heirs are now saddled with even more debt than the previous 43 Presidents accumulated and you are to blame for that and no one but you. "The problem is" that he wants to keep doubling down on every whimsical fix that he can conjure up.

All I can say is, "REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER." You don't listen to what Obama says, you watch what he does. Haven't some of you learned that lesson by now? I'm just asking...

The vetting of Obama will continue. He's on tape, video and sound now. It's the economy and the national debt Stupid.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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