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Obama's Crumbling Dialogue

Updated on March 18, 2013

Fact Check What They Spoon Feed You

How Many Times Have You Heard Him Say...

Obama likes to pull out that "the nation's crumbling infrastructure" routine on a fairly consistent basis when he starts talking about "investing" which in layman's terms means "spending" money that the federal government doesn't have. I would suggest to those of you who haven't caught on yet to start actually fact checking Obama and what he says. There are many organizations that do so. With a little Googling here and Googling there it is amazing what one can find. The other part of the learning curve is to subscribe to reputable news sources on the internet who don't spoon feed you Obama spin rather than just hit on the truth.

One such source is an organization called the Reason Foundation who looked into Obama's claim that the nation's infrastructure continues to decline when in fact the opposite holds true. That isn't to say that additional work does not need to take place but there is a time and a place for everything and when you're teetering on bankruptcy it's best not to spend like a drunken sailor, especially when you never say where the money is going to come from. They can start out by telling us exactly where our federal gas tax money, currently 18 cents per gallon, goes and account for all that money.


Part of the problem this nation faces right now is that some people actually believe every word that Obama utters. That isn't a good idea. He's a politician. Obama is now proposing to spend $40 billion of "our" money, not his, on what he calls "urgent" upgrades to our nation's crumbling roads, bridges, rail lines, etc that are crimping our nation's style and holding back economic growth. Everything is "urgent" about Obama until it comes to passing an actual budget on a yearly basis. That has yet to happen on his watch. The problem is he isn't telling anyone where the 40 billion clams are coming from. That's the magic of Obama. You can Google "Obama infrastructure" and read all about that so for now lets move on.

The Reason Foundation has thrown a wet blanket over Obama's rhetoric and used facts instead of hysteria. The findings point the other way Barack. What they point to is that the nation's infrastructure has improved significantly over the past 20 years despite the federal government. Imagine that! Obama hyperventilating on his own lies once again?

There are still problems to be addressed but not of the "urgent basis" kind that Chicken Little Obama likes to talk about without actually using facts. Figures yes, but short of facts.

Hot Off the Presses

The yardsticks the foundation used were studying U.S. roads and bridges from 1989 to 2008, The organization used seven (7) criteria to reach their findings: 1) highway fatalities 2) miles of urban interstate highways in poor condition 3) miles of rural interstates in poor condition 4) congestion on urban interstates 5) deficient bridges 6) rural primary roads in poor condition and last but not least the number of rural primary roads flagged as too narrow.

Using that criteria one of the findings of the study was that "the overall condition of the state-controlled road system is getting better and you can actually make the case that it has never been in better shape. The key going forward is to target spending where it will do the most good.” The key isn't squandering $40 billion of our tax payer money on Obama's "favors for donor's programs" we have seen in the past, read: his green initiatives.

The States Have To Budget And The Feds Don't? Why Not?

The real skinny about what the Reason Foundation found is below:

  • "Eleven states made progress in all seven categories, and 37 states improved in at least five of the seven. Only one state, California, showed improvement in less than three areas, making progress in just two.
  • The U.S. fatality rate lessened from 2.16 fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles in 1989 to 1.25 fatalities in 2008, a decrease of about 42 percent. The fatality rate improved in all 50 states over that 20-year period.
  • The percentage of deficient bridges fell from 37.8 percent in 1989 to 23.7 percent in 2008.
  • The percentage of urban interstates in poor condition decreased from 6.6 percent to 5.4 percent. In Missouri, urban interstate mileage in poor condition plunged from 47 percent to just 1.3 percent over the period studied.
  • The percentage of rural interstates in poor condition was reduced by two-thirds, from 6.6 percent 1989 to 1.93 percent in 2008.
  • 29 states showed reduced urban congestion between 1989 and 2008, and six states reported improvements of greater than 20 percent.
  • The nation also saw improvements in the condition of rural primary roads and in the number of primary roads considered too narrow."

There is work to be done and it would seem that the wise use of our gas tax dollars coupled with the federal government actually having a budget is the future ticket to success. Not that the study years ended in 2008. That was before Obama took office, not after.

This whole thing with the "where's the $40 billion coming from" brings to mind the failed stimulus program. Everybody got paid off with the exception of the US tax payer. They actually spend $20 million fabricating and erecting those idiot signs telling us about our stimulus borrowed money tax dollars hard at work. Save the drama for your Mama Obama.

One of the reasons I wrote this Hub was because of some "know it all" liberal coming onto my last Hub telling us how military allocations could best be used on our "crumbling infrastructure." He is obviously an Obama parrot who has consumed way too much koolaid again without fact checking. They like to leave that up to me then get critical with me when I do. Seems the youngster fails to understand that the primary role of the federal government is the defense of our nation and funding a standing armed forces. Says it right there in the US Constitution.

Let me close with a little fact for you folks who think Obama has done a good job fixing the economy. Did you know that the average middle class paycheck has declined on an average of $3,700.00 a year during Obama stewardship. Hmmm....Doesn't he claim to be the champion of the middle class? Pure rubbish and nothing more than class warfare mantra. Obama might have a future as a Drama Queen in soap operas soon.

"Like"It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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