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Obama Broke His Promise? Heavens No!

Updated on September 14, 2013

She's Singing Again?

Well holy Southern grits and New England cream of wheat! Has it taken organized labor this long to realize that Obama played them for a one trick pony about health care reform in order to get their backing? The Democrats have been buffaloing organized labor for years and the leadership of organized labor has dropped their drawers on the rank and file and let loose on the common worker at their expense.

So far the ILWU has withdrawn from the AFL-CIO for their lapdog leaders capitulation over Obamacare and now we have the President of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers speaking out with his shorts in a knot around his throat saying, "Obama broke his promise!" hells bells man, I can give you a long list of broken promises this impostor has made time and time again in order to be elected and ultimately reelected. I wrote about the ILWU and will give you the link at the end of this article.

So these union thug bosses are just realizing that Obama snookered them? When are the rest of the "fainters" who voted for this fraud going to wake up? of course you can't keep your Doctor. The federal government is going to give you your Doctor now. Of course you can't keep those "Cadillac health care policies" you so covet that add to the tab of what your member's produce. That was never in Obama's plan, if he even had a plan.

Thisa union bossa doesn't sounda happy Guido? Wassup with a that?

You Believed Obama?

The unions have been duped for decades now into thinking their leadership had their best interest's at heart. No, like any union leadership, is leadership is about maintaining power and selling anyone down the river to keep it. I've never understand, in modern society, anyone being willing to pay in order to have a job. That has become the role of unions these days - to collect dues to maintain the upper echelon of the structure. Look at what those "leaders" are making to see the interests of the rank and file down the river. Then when things like Obamacare turn upside down, which most of us saw coming, they get incensed that "Obama broke his promises?" RHe's been doing it all along guys and gals. He's a con man for Pete's sake.

Specifically here is what Obama said in 2009 to get you to bite the hook: “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

None of that is turning out to be true for either union or non-union folks America. you were duped and now the federal government is going to decide who your doctor will be and what health care plan you will have after your employer decides it can't afford to pay all that extra money to insure those who won't get off their butts and get a job like you do.

Look the guy's lips started moving so you should have known.

Imminent? No In Full Song Now!

So Max Bacchus, the chief architect of this disaster, says the "train wreck" they created is coming straight at us, throws down his retirement paperwork and people are just starting to understand what these imbeciles have done? Trumpka and his henchmen are just walking up to the fact that they were used, abused and treated like cheap vote whores? What caliber of men are you rank and file electing and reelecting to run your organization? Oops! I forgot aout Obama and his election and reelection. In his case it was about freebies. In yours I hope it isn't.

The unions have their knickers in a knot and sent Reid and Pelosi a letter that said, “When you and the president sought our support for the Affordable Care Act, you pledged that if we liked the health plans we have now, we could keep them. Sadly, that promise is under threat. "

It went on to say, “The unintended consequences of the ACA are severe. Perverse incentives are already creating nightmare scenarios: First, the law creates an incentive for employers to keep employees’ work hours below 30 hours a week. Numerous employers have begun to cut workers’ hours to avoid this obligation, and many of them are doing so openly.”

Graciously that letter concludes: “The impact is two-fold: fewer hours means less pay while also losing our current health benefits." Well hello labor unions. You have been snookered right along with the rest of us.

The Woman Lives In A Fog

So as we sift through the bill now Pelosi, and we're still having to sift, even more Americans are realizing just how you screwed the pooch on this one. Even the loyal Democratic base is wondering what the hell you did and why you did it. No one knew what was in the bill when it was passed and that should be cause enough to kick every last one of you out of office.

Listen closely you low information voters. Government intervention and unnecessary regulation drive up the cost of any good or service in this country. Get it? And what goes up when the government gets their little meaty paws in anything - TAXES! Our founders understood that and wanted the yoke off our shoulders. So now the "something for nothing" crowd wants to refit the yoke?

The facts are that Obamacare isn't the answer to the faults in our health care system. it's also a fact, despite what Obama keeps saying over and over again, that alternatives were presented. They were also ignored. Many of us followed it as it progressed and know the real deal. The projected cost of the ACA has risen from $900 billion to $2.8 trillion and it hasn't stopped there yet. Where is that money coming from? the low information voters answer is, "From somebody else, not me."

The unions now know where some of it is coming from. It's coming straight out of their kitty. You got duped like the rest of us did.

As Always,

The Frog Priince

Don't You Understand Yet That Everything Obama Does Is About What He Sees As His Legacy?


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