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No Vacations He Said...

Updated on August 13, 2014

"I Will Not Rest..."

Forget About It. His lips were moving again...

Obama said many things in order to get you to bite the hook back in 2008 and now that he and Moochelle are vacationing on our dime once again the archives are being opened anew. I still don't understand why Obama isn't aware of everything he said and that it is captured on film and audio when his pie hole starts flapping.

So lets watch this fraud posturing again and saying things that 1) he really didn't mean in the first place and 2) who was clueless as he expounded on something he knows nothing about. Video please!

Total horse manure to be polite.

I'm hoping that you that voted for this impostor are feeling totally bamboozled and had. All you really had to do was listen closely in the first place and the light should have come on. Obama had never held a real job prior to running for the highest office in the land.

Between rounds of golf and expensive vacations I'm concerned with just how much sleep Obama is getting. Compound that with his continual fund raising and his insomnia must be killing him and this country at the same time. Poor President Vacationsalot!

I'm finding it extremely painful to even listen to Obama's voice right now because I know I'll have flashbacks about all the other things caught on tape that dispute his latest royal proclamations. The background of the video is an interview he gave in 2008 where he was discussing Bill Ayer's book "The Audacity of Hope" with Bob Herbert of the New York Times.

Listen again is my suggestion. I had to go through it a few times to see if he was preaching without practicing or some other form of voodoo hoodoo. He had the audacity to say those running for President need to be prepared "to give their life to it." Now I have to agree with that statement because it is an unenviable job to say the least. But it is also a job that he asked for and now all that empty rhetoric is just that. It's like him - an empty suit full of hot air.

Time for a direct quote: “The bargain that any president strikes with is, you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone. I am giving myself to you.

Alrighty now Barack! Now we're about six years into this fiasco called your Presidency and my question is, "When are the sacrifices scheduled to begin?" Surely not at the end of your tenure?


So how many days has Obama been on vacation since assuming office in 2009? How many rounds of golf has he played at tax payer expense? This is the guy who said he will not rest and will make the ultimate sacrifice if only you'll pick up the tab for his lavishly planned life style.

Right now Obama and his brood and entourage are on their 15th vacation as they camp out on Martha's Vineyard with the rich and famous. I know you don't think they're living in tents and cooking by the campfire. Need to do a little research and see which costs more - the Hawaiian vacations of Martha's Vineyard. What a contrast. The total of days so far is 96 days spent resting. Here I thought he said he wasn't going to rest until... BLAH, BLAH, BLAH...

FORE!!! He's played two rounds of golf since arriving on Martha's Vineyard and the total rounds of golf are 186 and counting. So much for sacrificing! We're sacrificing our tax dollars to support the Obama's lavish lifestyle it seems.

Another direct quote from Obama during that same interview: “The American people should have no patience for what’s going on in your head because you’ve got a job to do and that people should only run for president if they’re willing to make that sacrifice." Just more empty talk with his lips flapping in the breeze.

I don't begrudge anyone the opportunity to take a vacation but it seems like one has to earn that privilege. Obama now seems to see all his lavish lifestyle as a right. I expected him to live up to his word but his word doesn't go far these days. There is a time and place to take a vacation and Obama's timing seems to coincide with crisis situations. Is that by design? All hell is breaking loose in Iraq right now and where is Obama? As usual he is on an expensive vacation.

This all began with Barack and Moochelle's now famous "date night" and the tax payer cash register has been going cha-ching ever since. How expensive is expensive you might ask? Judicial Watch, maybe the only honest government watchdog since the Lame Stream Media is in the tank with the Obama's, calculates that the Obama tribe has spent $44,351,777.12 in taxpayer cash on travel expenses and vacations. Since the Whine House isn't subject to the Freedom of Info Act it could be much more.

It's the little things Barackie Poo that you seem oblivious to in the austere fiscal times that the rest of us are living through. Check this out. Seems that in just 2013 he incurred $7,396,531 in flight expenses for his family vacations to Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard. He also took a side trip out to California so he could mug on the Jay Leno show. And he professes so much empathy for the middle class tax payer? Then stop spending our tax dollars!

Off on vacation again... We'll be back...

It's going to take a lot of time and effort to unscrew everything Obama has screwed up. One thing he seems to concentrate on, rather than his job, is his luxurious lifestyle financed by the US tax payer.

I'll close now with the quote of the day by Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch: “The Obamas are abusing the public trust and the taxpayers with unnecessary luxurious vacations and travel. These staggering costs show why these documents were covered up and we had to sue in federal court to get them. Another transparency fail for the Obama gang.”

Obama is so transparent I can see right through him and what a total fraud he is. He needs to go back up and watch that first video then LIVE by his words and not his infantile deeds.

Do I mind if you share this? No at all...

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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