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Much Needed Sequestration

Updated on February 22, 2013

Enough Already Obama...

The Count Down To Doom?

What is happening in Washington DC right now is the height of hypocrisy. That pertains to all of them on both sides of the aisle. Goodness I hate that expression because they're still the same thieves just in different party clothing with different party favors. We have crybaby Obama in one corner who created the sequester in the first place and Speaker Boehner in the other with his posse who was in cahoots from the get go trying to stave of a supposed default that wasn't going to happen in the first place because there is enough tax revenue coming in to pay the interest on the national debt. It's the same old same old just sung to a different tune.

Everyone up there trying to run things know well that the spending levels they have hit consistently for too many decades is unsustainable. This isn't about taxes, which Obama calls revenue, this is about spending gone haywire. The General Accounting Office (GAO) just said it again and the Congresional Budget Office (CBO) has been consistent with the same message. But it's like all those we have elected, or too many of them at this point, are stone cold tone deaf. They just want to continue to spend money like they have it.

Kick The Can Washington Style

They've kicked it and kicked it and kicked it again trying to avoid the inevitable. What's that? Actual, real spending cuts and not artificial reductions in future spending growth. That's exactly what they have been reducing and if you don't know that then you know it now. Obama's pulling out all the usual class warfare stops crying about the federal government needs even more of our hard earned tax dollars so that he can continue on his drunken sailor spending binge to protect us from ourselves. That guy knows how to play the fear card better than Al Sharpton knows how to play the race card.

Someone tell me how you can cut 2.something trillion from the budget and increase the federal budget deficit by $5.9 trillion in just four short years. When you show me how that works I'll show you how three card Monty works. Obama makes it sound like cutting a mere 2% in actual spending is going to make the world stop functioning and life change significantly as we know it. It doesn't work that way. That's called "lets scare the hell out of them" politics and Obama is a master of that art.

So What? We Need An Axe Not A Butter Knife

The nitwits that supposedly represent us call the cuts "deep." They aren't deep enough and they know it. They talk the talk but avoid walking the walk. You ever notice that? $85 billion out of a $3,600 billion budget (another way to express that is $3.6 trillion) isn't deep at all. It's the tip of the over spending. This is basically the same crowd that has sat up there election cycle after election cycle screwing things up. Do you really expect them to fix what they made a mess out of.

The Republicans need to grow a set of gonads and quickly. Their message needs to become, and stay this way:

Current spending is unsustainable. The man on the street even knows that.

2% is small compared to what needs to happen to avoid going bankrupt.

That political party, if it controlled all of the government, might make the cuts differently but it doesn't.

Congress appropriates and the executive spends the money to run the departments and agencies, not the other way around.

If in fact Obama's response is to tell the public that if what he designed actually will result in criminals being released from jail and doomsday for our food inspection program then he and anyone who believes that is a complete moron.

What we are now witnessing is what happens when people who have never held a real job become either the CEO of a nation or write the laws for the governance of those who have entrusted them with the welfare of our nation. Most of us know how to run a budget on a daily basis. They have no clue. We know when the money gets thin so does our life style. Present gas prices right now illustrate that very vividly.

So what is happening is that the agencies in the form of Obama are threatening to close popular services first. That's called using public fear to get your way and IS NOT how our government should function. King George III tried that and look what happened.

The sequester needs to happen. Obama designed it and he now needs to man up and suck up his inexperience. After that occurs they need to get to work with true entitlement reform. They keep talking about it but that involves economic pain. That is going to happen one way or the other so we need to get on with it. Whether they get reelected or not is of no consequence to those of us who actually pay the bills. They screw it up and need to be history.

It's Always,

The Frog Prince

It Is The "Obama Sequestration" And It Was His Idea


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