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More Than A Smidgen Of Truth Here Too

Updated on February 7, 2014

Inept Then Obama?

One of two things have to be the case with Barack Obama in my mind. He is either the most corrupt politician I have ever seen or the most inept man to ever occupy the oval office. If you need to learn what "inept" means then I suggest you keep reading because he has a lot of help it seems.

I've never made any bones about the fact that Barack Hussein Obama is nothing but a snake oil salesman who has great rhetorical abilities. I also never cross swords in the realization that the there were enough people thirsting for an elixir to cure what they thought were the underlying problems facing our nation. Be careful in the future what you thirst for my friends and neighbors.

I don't think Obama is inept and he is actually very cunning to say the least. Cunning in a politician is dangerous and in the chief executive of this nation can be suicidal for the people. There is presently a group of Democratic Senators and Representatives who want to further Obama's corruption and lawlessness which confuses the issue even more than it has been the last five plus years.

The Pen And Phone Huh? Try Lawless...

What is disconcerting to people who believe in the US Constitution, our form of government and the rule of law is Obama's disregard and selectivity in enforcing the laws of this nation. I personally don't give a flip if you think the US Constitution is irrelevant because it remains the law of this land. He also has a very corrupt Attorney General, corrupt from way back in the Clinton years, aiding and abetting his move to "fundamentally transform" this country. Obama forgot he said he was going to do that in the latest interview with Bill O'Reilly.

Obama has been intent in making Congress irrelevant since assuming office. He was that way even when his party had both houses of Congress. His inability to get a Cap and Trade bill through is a prime example. So he does an end around with his pen even when Congress said not only no but hell no.

Never in a million years would I have thought that a group of elected representatives would jump on board the USS Obama and totally disregard their oath of office and help Obama make Congress even more irrelevant than it is, in essence aid and abet him in his lawlessness. I wonder if the word "dictatorship" has any meaning to them. The executive branch is charged with enforcing the laws passed by Congress not writing them itself.

The Congressional Full Employment Caucus

If you haven't heard of the Congressional Full Employment Caucus you need to turn off the Lames Stream Media and tune into some actual news - be it broadcast or the written word. Here we have more elected officials from the legislative branch going rogue with Obama himself. Now this group of misfits is led by a complete idiot named Shelia Jackson-Lee. I regret the fact that the woman is a Texan being one myself.

Here's her layout about "the plan." That select group defines its chief purpose as providing Obama with executive orders to sign. That has never been a lawmakers job nor should it ever be, When that happens impeachment of the offenders needs to be on the table. They took an oath to protect and defend the US Constitution not violate it. Is there any wonder that Congress seems to be running helter skelter with the likes of a Jackson-Lee getting elected and reelected?

Here are the woman's exact words: "We'll give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign with pride and strength. I think that should be our number one agenda. Let's write up these executive orders — draft them, of course — and ask the president to stand with us on full employment." The woman is daft. The House of Representatives has sent numerous jobs bills to the US Senate where Harry "The Democratic Obstructionist" Reid has filed them in his oval file. Full employment is not achieved by circumventing the US Constitution.

For The Doubting Thomas's Who Think I Make Things Up.

I didn't even have to pull out my trusty pocket Constitution to know that the legislative branch's duty is to pass "laws" - not executive orders - for the chief executives approval or disapproval AFTER being duly passed by a majority of the members of each chamber. So maybe Jackson-Lee should trot over to Scary Harry Reid's office and demand that he bring to the Senate floor for debate and passage those 30 plus bills that he is sitting on to help create jobs.

What Jackson-Lee is proposing is to go rogue, violate the US Constitution and churn out those executive orders for the President's pen to sign. Maybe a mass impeachment trail is on the horizon, Here's a short constitutional course for Jackson-Lee and the uniformed.

It's right there in the US Constitution that Congress can: "lay and collect taxes, provide for the country's common defense and general welfare, borrow money, regulate international and interstate trade, establish immigration and bankruptcy laws, coin money and punish counterfeiters, raise armies and declare war, and handle a few other functions." There isn't one word in there about writing executive orders to be rubber-stamped by any President.

This group of Democratic misfits, they all have a (D) by their name, desires to circumvent their sworn duty. Is that treason? The nation voted for a divided Congress and it seems that this group wants to join the lawless Obamites in their thirst for power. Be careful what you thirst for is my sound advice to anyone. They don't want to work under the restrictions that the Founding Fathers intentionally wrote into the US Constitution about the separation of powers and a system of checks and balances placed upon any branch of our government. Why are they there? To stop any of the three branches from seizing absolute power and tyrannizing the people. They lived through that and I don't want to myself.

The federal government doesn't have the ability, other than jiggering the numbers, of providing full employment in the private sector. That group of misfits, even in conjunction with lawless Obama, couldn't do that even if they had the authority of this nation's laws to do so. They don't. A lofty sounding name for any caucus won't solve the problems we face. What will is for these self-aggrandizing idiots we keep electing to go sit down, get out the private sector and act like a bunch of clams.

Mind sharing this? I didn't think so...

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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