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His Lips Started Moving Again...

Updated on December 6, 2013

It seems that Onyango Obama seems to be more proud of his nephew than Barack Hussein Obama is of his uncle. By now even the most casual observer in our nation must realize that Barack Hussein Obama is a pathological liar. Pathological liars present a danger to both themselves and society because they actually believe the lies that leave their lips.

Either they believe themselves or they are intent on practicing deception in order to achieve something they wouldn't normally be able to achieve without the string of lies starting. Once that first lie is told others will follow the first in order to continue the cover up. Either form is pathological in nature and constitutes a mental disorder.

In Barack Obama's case they are stacked up and ripe for the discovery of the real truth. He does seem to fool a lot of people but Uncle Onyango isn't one of them. So lets add this latest lie to all his previous "misstatements" and denials that got him where he is today. Watch the first video and stay with it until the end. It isn't long.

The Shifting Story Or Shiftless Story?

So BHO was unaware of the status of his illegal alien Uncle Onyango on, or about, September 1st of 2011 until Jay Carney walked into his office and spoke with him about it? That was the story then. But the story has completely changed now. At the time BHO denied ever having met his Uncle O. Didn't really seem plausible at the time and as it turns out was it was another bald faced lie.

The next video lays a little more groundwork to Barack's lie. It turns out that when he moved to Boston to attend Harvard who did he live with during that transition? None other than Onyango Obama who is the brother of purported father. Whether that is true is also up for grabs. Some think Frank Marshall Davis was Anne Dunham's lover and fathered Barack. Only a DNA test would determine if that were true or not and I don't have .Barack Obama submitting to that. Hell he has ever record about him on the face of the earth sealed so when pigs start flying the DNA test will happen.

Strange how Onyango was ordered deported by an immigration judge and never left. Now another knucklehead judge rules that Uncle Onyango can stay citing, among other things, his good moral character. People of "good moral character" don't ignore deportation orders. Whether his arrest for driving under the influence constitutes a character defect is up to your judgement.

But the question remains. How do you live in the same house with your uncle and never meet him? Did they take turns inhabiting the dwelling? See how even the simplest lie can come back to sting you? Furthermore Onyango was fighting deportation at the very time Barack lived with him yet Barack never knew him? Really? So now you want to tell me you believe anything, some of you everything, that Barack Hussein Obama has fabricated about his life before he suddenly appeared on the scene?

At the time Onyango was pulled over intoxicated he tried to play the "my nephew the President" card which led to Barack Obama denying he had ever met the man. That man was his uncle. After his arrest in Framingham he told the arresting officers, "I think I will call the White House." Another strange thing concerns Obama's book Dreams Of My Father. Enter Zeituni Onyango, Onyango Obama’s sister who was also in the United States illegally who Obama mentioned in that memoir. The Obama clan seems to have a pattern of being in our nation illegally.

Turns out that his illegal alien Aunt Zeituni was living in Boston public housing drawing down federal and state goodies. Just days before his election in 2008 it was disclosed that Auntie Zeituni was in our country illegally. She was later granted asylum in 2010. Seems to meet that the whole Obama clan needs to be in an asylum and not free to wander around the face of the planet.In his book Barack reveals that he met his Auntie but there doesn't seem to be a reference to his Uncle Omar. That is Onyango's alias. Dang it that "also known as" tag doesn't follow Barack around like a lost puppy.

Plausible denial? I'll let you be the judge. Back in November of 2011 the Whine House told the Boston Globe that there was never a record of the two (Barack and Omar) ever having met. That's now a matter of record. There was never any attempt by Barack Obama to correct the record until just the other day when Onyango spilled more of the beans onto Barack's plate of lies.

Not only did Barack Obama live with his illegal Uncle Omar but according to Ed Schultz, an Obama spokesman, "President Obama and Onyango saw each other once every few months, but after [Harvard] law school they fell out of touch,” Wowser how that story changed in a skinny minute!

Even funnier is how when Barack Hussein Obama's nose starts growing people start pointing fingers and placing blame. Here's the present official Whine House statement which is always subject to change it seems, "The press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe that they had no record of the two meeting. This time, the press office asked the president directly, which they had not done in 2011.”

What is odd there is going back up and viewing Jay Carney at that particular press conference. Do you see any conflict between the two versions?

A Memorable Moment Of Truth

Seems that looking at the mess we have gotten into with Barack Hussein Obama should have never happened. If the media had done what their traditional role has been in past elections by vetting Barack Hussein Obama thoroughly and correctly the picture might be different and we wouldn't be sitting here with a pathological, lying fraud of a snake oil salesman as the nation's chief executive officer.

In this latest case the media didn't discover the truth. It was revealed by Uncle Omar himself in a deportation hearing and once that cat was out of the bag Barack Obama was once again forced to face the truth. Now you know he doesn't like to do that...

RECENT LIE OF THE DAY: "We promised that you can keep your plan IF it didn't change after the law was passed." What the heck happened to the PERIOD?

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As Always,

The Frog Prince


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