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Big Headed Politicans

Updated on October 4, 2013

Actually making a trip to this nation's Capitol is an awesome experience when you realize what you are seeing. This city is the display of the history of this great nation and the memorials, museums, monuments and many massive displays of architecture that sometimes leave you speechless. Over time it seems like our political elites have adopted an attitude that they OWN all of that real estate and associated trappings.

The same applies to the national parks, coastal areas and other assets of the United States of America. What they have totally lost sight of, and it is quite apparent as we watch both the sequester and the present shutdown, is that in their twisted minds they own that property and hold the keys to it but they do not. I want to set the record straight. We own that - ALL OF IT. We own the People's House where Obama thinks he can make his royal decrees. I'm here to tell you Barack Hussein Obama you and your family are but temporary tenants.

My point is this. You have no right to deny access to the tax payers of this nation to anything that we own. That is within reason for security purposes but that may qualify as the ONLY reason. For those of you who want to sit quietly by while people like Obama and his minions steam roll you then have at it. Be a sheeple and follow blindly along.

This is total insanity when Obama thinks he can get his way by making any budgetary decisions painful on the American people. That is about as low and mean spirited as I have ever see any politician stoop and I've seen many over the decades. He did it during the start of sequestration and he's at it again. He's as small as small can get.

Get this straight Mr. President. We own this nation, not you. That applies to every self-serving professional pick pocket inhabiting this nation's Capitol and there are more than a truck load of those critters. We OWN this country. You are but temporary caretakers and we're fed up with your inability to lead us fiscally, morally and in accordance with the US Constitution. We are reaching a critical point in our nation's history. They know that and you better believe that they know that.

All this political theater is due to the fact that they know they have driven this nation fiscally into the ground by stupidity. If it sounds like I'm pissed you're damned right I am. They are closing down memorials, parks and sporting events who don't take one red cent from the US Treasury - not one skinny penny. What right does Obama have to do that other than to display just how damned petty he is? The opposite is happening when Obama sends his paid goons out to post barricades and deny access using manpower to things that WE own not them.

Tell me how any of what I just pointed out is justified by this administration?

What is going on his pure political sickness. It's Shutdown Theater with Obama, Reid and Pelosi refusing to negotiate. Obama keeps saying he is willing to negotiate and out of the other side of his mouth says he won't negotiate. This sick ploy is designed to make the American people hurt. I hope the American people realize what the hell is happening and why. This is all about political power and has nothing to do with those of us who pay this nation's bills. We're called tax payers and not subjects.

The Democrats are playing this out for all it's worth in case you have failed to notice that too. They want you to feel the pain so that you will let them keep their boot heels on our throats. The media is playing right into their hands and has been so compromised that it's sickening. Rather than look out for the common man they seem intent on favoring anyone who will favor them. They have lost their way entirely. I just wrote an article about Harry Reid. He is a major obstacle to the efficient running of this country. He tells Obama what to do, when to do it and Obama does it. The problem is that he more and more gets caught saying absurd things while the cameras are still rolling. With Harry it is definitely all about power and the tax payer be damned.

The Culprits

Questions need to start being asked by tax payers. Serious questions need to be asked by all the citizens of this country. How are you in good conscience ceding your liberties and freedoms to such a pack of jackals that can't run a lemonade stand much less the United States of America? Why are we sitting back allow them to pour good money after bad on our behalf? It's insane to let it even continue. We keep sending the same idiots back to do more damage and expecting a different result? It's not going to happen that way. They are the very ones who have screwed the pooch so how do you expect them to fix the monster they themselves created?

Now we're being held hostage. The game is make the people who actually own it all and pay all the bills suffer through theater after theater until the elitist's demands are met. Obama just threatened to veto any measure that would open the national parks, monuments and the Capitol itself during his latest pouting session. Unless you raise your voice you are no more than a pawn of these puppet masters. Don't you understand that if these type of people engineer systems like Obamacare that the next time something like this happens they will control your access to health care and your doctor. Are you going to stand for that? Something to seriously think about and start asking questions.

A QUOTE FROM BARACK OBAMA TODAY: “In a government shutdown, Social Security checks still go out on time. In an economic shutdown — if we don’t raise the debt ceiling — they don’t go out on time,” he said. “In a government shutdown, disability benefits still arrive on time. In an economic shutdown, they don’t.”

Where the hell is our money Obama?

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As Always,

The Frog Prince


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