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Being An Obamacare Victim?

Updated on December 22, 2013

Well with the final car starting to come off of the tracks of the Obamacare train wreck, Obama flew off to Hawaii. Not without pounding the stake of all stakes into his signature piece of legislation. You know, the one he doesn't want his name on anymore?

Rest assured though that no matter if something happens or not Obama, the camera whore, will find a reason to get before the lights to proclaim how great he is. It would be nice to have 17 straight days without having to hear his whining about how misunderstood everything he has treid to do really is. Actually we get a pretty clear picture already.

After winning the crown of being The Liar of the Year he should probably take a deep breath and be quiet but I will bet dollars to donuts he won't be able to contain his loose lips. Any takers?

After all the acrimony and name calling Obama and his cronies did about defunding Obamacare, maybe delaying it and so forth that the Republicans proposed before his October 1st roll out they seem to need to wipe some serious egg off of their mugs. Obamascare wasn't ready for prime time and I just don't see how such nonsense will ever work in this nation. the percentage of Americans that oppose this whole fiasco continues to rise. Obama all along claimed that once we "found out what was in it" that we would become enamored with it.

Maybe he, and his high spending buds in Congress, now realizes it was sheer stupidity, bordering on insanity, to attempt to cover the 15% of this nation's citizens without health care at the expense of the other 85%. At this point it would have made much more sense to just pay for those uninsured to be insured. But I did use the word "sense" there and these professional pickpockets sorely lack that commodity called common sense.

This latest 11th hour move as the Obama's vacation on our dime lavishly once again seems to be Obama repealing Obamacare himself. Heck he thinks he has the ability to pick and choose which parts of the law that will be obeyed so that isn't beyond the realm of possibilities.

"As long as I'm President..."

Maybe that last part, Barack Obama, is something we need to consider fixing when you return for the New Year. Seems that your Democratic buddies are under intense pressure to do something about the mess they are now blaming you for creating Mr. Obama. So all of the sudden a mere 4 days before the deadline to be insured the HHS (READ: Obama) are exempt from obtaining that insurance that you decreed they should have because what they had and liked was cancelled and history because of your lie of the year claim.

He effectively just exempted millions of Americans and graciously told us that they wouldn't have to pay the fine for not being insured. But it still leaves them uninsured. what a comfort and what a mess you have created President Zero. But cheer up! It has been decreed that all those millions are now qualified for a hardship exemption. The hardship being Obamacare itself. doesn't that make a ton of sense? No penalty and the bonus of being able to obtain a form of "catastrophic policy" that they recently just poo pooed as junk. These idiots can't seem to make up their minds.

What a Christmas present from The Obama's to the nation huh? If his wild attempt of benefit and income redistribution fiasco made your old, cheaper, better health plan which you liked illegal, just rest easy now. You can go naked without any coverage at all. Or you can claim this mythical, just created by cooking the books again, that you are suffering from a hardship created by by The Lair of the year himself. Warm and fuzzy now?

Another Fine Example Of Progressive Economics?

So who were these "hardship exemptions" originally created for? There is an answer. they were intended to go only to homeless people, bankruptcy cases or in extreme cases victims of domestic violence. Seems reasonable at first glance but now we see this latest exemption ploy. Why did it change? Because six (6) Democratic US Senators leaned on Kathleen Sebelius to classify the victims of Obamacare itself as hardship cases. I term that complete insanity and misuse of executive power.

The bottom line on much of Obamacare's spiraling failures is the math just doesn't work. Even the "catastrophic coverage" that just opened the door wide to individual exemptions are more expensive than those old "junk policies." Conversely they are about 20% cheaper the average Obamacare plan due to the absence of all the mandates that many people think are ridiculous in the first place. They are geared for a younger, healthier crowd and have no subsidies attached to them. They don't qualify.

The flaw with what is occurring is about the economics of this administration being twisted at every turn in order to "tweak" every disastrous deadline that can't be met. The catastrophic concept has an assumption, or used to have one anyway, that those enrolled in that category would be under 30. Think about that for a minute. The young are supposed to prop up Obamacare, not avoid it. So who picks up the sharply discounted cost of a 55 year old who can now claim a hardship based upon an Obama lie? It will be the insurer's problem and no matter how they slice it and dice it the actuarial math fails Obamacare's whole concept.

Quick Crank Up The Smoke Generators!

The smoke and mirrors routine that Obama continues to foist on the public has worn extremely thin. Insurers are setting the rates and all this wishy-washy changing of the rules will continue to result in future rate increases. 2015 is projected to yield another sharp increase in premiums. That's not what Obama promised us either but he has consistently over promised. He gives "up in smoke" new meaning.

This is starting to make Pajama Boy seem like a genius.

Heck go ahead and click those buttons and send this out to a wider audience.

As Always,

The Frog Prince



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