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Are You Shovel Ready?

Updated on October 8, 2012

Feeling Barry'd?

May Be Closer To Reality Than You Think...

Am I better off than I was 4 years ago? I can truthfully answer that with a resounding "no" and so can the average American. I said "truthfully," not "hopefully." Are you feeling shovel ready? If you aren't then prepare yourself to be if you help reelect Barack Hussein Obama to another term. His first term has been a disaster and a second term will insure he is able to hammer that last nail in our coffins so we can be ready for the shovel.

I had to fill up the gas tank the other day and it was painful. I went to restock my cupboards and fridge for the coming month and that was agony from what it was just four short years ago. My skinny wallet has had to cinch in notch after notch as Obama fiddles out there on the campaign trail the last four years. If he hasn't been campaigning he has been vacationing like a rock star or out on the links kicking back on our dime. The guy is totally disconnected from reality, but I've written about that before too. So lets break it down okay?

The Fiscal Cliff...

I've discussed this before but lets do it again for those not paying attention. Take a look at the headlines from around the nation rather than mine. Notice that the US Senate seems to be in every headline.

  • Democrats willing to risk tax hike for all. … Democrats are going all-in in a fiscal game of chicken, saying they'll let everyone's income taxes rise on Jan. 1 and slash defense spending amid 8-plus percent unemployment…” (Associated Press, 7/17/12)
  • “Congressional Democratic leaders made clear Monday that they have no interest in averting the bleak scenario if Republicans continue to refuse to soften their hard-line opposition” to the president’s small business tax hike.” (Los Angeles Times, 7/17/12)
  • Democrats are exploiting the pending deadlines, which they acknowledge could hurt the economy if fully implemented…" (Roll Call, 7/18/12)
  • Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) “may think she's putting Republicans on the political spot, but her real hostage is the already weak economy. Growth in the first quarter was a mere 1.9%, and economists have steadily downgraded their expectations for the second. As the tax cliff approaches, the policy uncertainty is already causing businesses to hold off on hiring and investment.” (Wall Street Journal editorial, 7/18/12)
  • “Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) … warned of the possibility of tax hikes on the nation’s middle class…” (The Hill, 7/18/12)
  • “Democrats are the ones threatening economic ruin….” (The Atlantic, 7/16/12)
  • “The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates the effects of the looming fiscal cliffcould stunt economic growth and push the U.S. economy back into a recession in 2013.” (MarketWatch, 7/18/12)

As it turns out the "Affordable Healthcare Act" is far from affordable. It raided the Medicare fund of $ 716 billion to help pay some of the cost of Obamacare. So you take from the contributors to give to those who don't pay into Medicare? How many of you out there, if you aren't eligible yet or are getting close, have a parent who is? Or is your life now just about you? You ready to lift that shovel to help bury Mom and Dad?

So you were told that under Obamacare you can keep your present health care plan and doctor. Did you really believe that under a socialized medical care plan? What will happen when your employer dumps your plan because they can't afford the premiums? You going to pick up the rest of what you don't pay now or go into a government pool? We keep hearing Obama talk about "jobs." A recent survey indicated that 76% of businesses say Obamacare will make it harder to hire new employees. No new employees, no increased tax revenues. Full repeal needs to be done and then a serious bi-partisan effort needs to be undertaken to make the needed reforms to health care and not a complete government take over.

What Makes Any Economy Go Around - Energy Prices

Interesting that that same 76% of business owners, myself included, say that energy costs that have doubled since Obama took office threaten our businesses. Obama has an energy plan for this nation that makes energy prices skyrocket. He has publicly stated that as have members of his administration. He has wasted billions upon billions of our tax dollars jousting with windmills when the sad truth is he has been doing the crony capitalism thing to repay his campaign donors. Bankruptcy courts have been the main result of his "green energy" efforts. At the same time shipping our tax dollars overseas to green energy companies there under his stimupork plan.

His coal policies have resulted in the closing of coal fired energy plants and coal mines in states and communities that rely upon them for jobs to provide for their families. Every effort to stop the gutting of our coal industry and stop policies that drive up energy prices undertaken in the House of Representatives have been dead ended in the US Senate. There is that obstruction to getting things done again - Harry Reid and his Senate cronies. We can talk about the Keystone Pipeline at another time but you know where that went - oil to China and not here.

Is a $16 trillion national debt affecting job growth? Again 4 out of 5 businesses say it is. Now you clock punchers out there may want to dispute that but take the risk to become an entrepreneur and then you can venture out here with an answer. There is nothing wrong with being a nine-to-fiver because you are needed too. But there are those of us who "build it ourselves." despite what Obama thinks, and the benefit you derive is your job. Something to think about huh?

Then I like the moral part of that argument which a liberal will rarely understand because they seem to be about instant gratification. It is centered around one question? Who is going to repay that astronomical debt? Are you so into instant gratification that you find it okay to saddle your heirs with your scratching your itch? There is a lot of reform, cutting spending, reforming entitlements and Medicare and Social Security to be done and one thing is apparent to me. Obama is not up to that task. His idea of reform is increased spending and increased government.

A Leader Not An Empty Suit

I know it all sounded good back in 2008. He promised us leadership having never really led before in his life. He promised hope and change and you now see what you got. You're counting your "change" to see how much you have left. We're essentially being buried by a lack of leadership. We started correcting that back in 2010 and the work continues. Again I will use the House as an example. The House passed and sent to the US Senate 39 jobs bills at a time when we desperately need to look at any and all jobs proposals. How many of those bills did the House consider and pass for Obama's signature? Not one. And how many of those jobs bill did Obama call for consideration by Harry Reid and his cronies. Not one is the answer.

We need leadership by someone who actually has had to compromise with the other party and get things done. Realistically that isn't Barack Obama because he has never had to be in that role. He promised everyone otherwise but we see what we see. A very divided country led by a man who is as divisive as there is.

QUOTE OF THE DAY FROM JOE BIDEN: "Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars. Guess what? Yes, we do in one regard: We want to let that trillion dollar tax cut expire so the middle class doesn't have to bear the burden of all that money going to the super-wealthy. That's not a tax raise. That's called fairness where I come from.

So what about the 47% of American workers who pay nothing Joe? The rich (very loose definition for those making over $250K) bear all the responsibility and burden and they bear none? Really?

"Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

Remember In November!


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