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A "Shovel Ready" Speech

Updated on September 8, 2012

Stop Digging Obama!

Begging For 4 More?

Last night's acceptance speech was one of those shovel ready moments before it even began. There was no explanation about all the broken promises he made to lure the unsuspecting in in 2008. There were just more promises. He tells the nation that he was elected to tell us the truth and has failed to do so. Instead he has said one thing and done the opposite. I shouldn't have to get specific on that statement because hopefully you've been paying attention.

Obama has a tendency to give a terrific speech full of nothings. His dilemma this time around was having to follow on the heels of Billy Bob Joe Ray Clinton. Clinton let us all know one more time about what "he" accomplished and in comparison to Barack Hussein Obama that is a glowing report card. All the hype leading up to Obama's speech about how loaded with specifics it was going to be fell flat. It was a safe speech. It was a speech that was a combination of his recycled State of the Union speeches. He repeated all those same empty promises again just with different window dressing on them. If he was trying to convince the undecided voters he may have done just that. Many voted from him based upon the same schtick he promoted last night. Now the question will be, "Are they stupid enough to bite that empty hook again?"

Same Old Same Old...

Why did Obama fail to address the fact that we have not operated on a budget since his inauguration? How did it escape him that any budget he submitted did not receive one vote in favor of his proposal? Or why didn't he mention that the Democratically controlled US Senate has failed to pass a budget, or even propose one, because it doesn't feel we need one. We've only added over $5.5 trillion under Team Obama so what the hell huh? What was his plan to cut the federal budget in half this time around? He doesn't have one because he doesn't have a clue and is the leader of the Tax & Spend Party.

What we heard again last night was what we had heard before in various other versions. More promises but ask yourself this? Are you going to accept more promises from a man who failed to deliver on the majority of his priomises that sucked you into voting for him in the first place? If so, what I am hearing you say is that you are willing to vote for more failure. Obama has failed to deliver. He is an empty suit and as Clint Eastwood pointed on has been absent from the leadership chair. Maybe you didn't understand what Clint was talking about but then again maybe you weren't really listening.

Heard It Before?

His mantra has been "I'm not going to make any excuses" but he has done nothing but that about his failure to lead. It still is only now, as usual, it will be anybody and everybody's fault but Barack Obama's. Just look at the mess he is going to inherit if he is reelected!

Why didn't he address what he considers to be his crowning achievement, the piece of unpopular legislation that bears his name - Obamacare? Absent also was his rhetoric about how successful the Stimulus Plan was? Or how is it that stimulus money was funneled to failing green energy companies as pay back for campaign contributions? We term that crony capitalism which is the only type of capitalism Obama likes. No mention of Solyndra or the other green companies that we helped finance into the federal bankruptcy courts. Why not? Does he think that we've forgotten about all of that? Maybe the coming debates will sharpen up his memory a bit on his incompetence as a leader.

The "Shovel Ready" Administration

No more excuses Barack Hussein Obama. You aren't Presidential timber son. You are but a twig when it comes to actual, productive leadership. Leaders lead from the front, not from behind. They do more than give fiery speeches delivered via a teleprompter.

No More Excuses...

I do believe that "the thrill is gone." Maybe Chrissy Matthews still gets that tingle up his leg every time Obama does the Oblabber Mouth but there was really nothing new in last night's rhetoric. He might have fired up the koolaid slurpers in the Charlotte arena but those are the stone cold koolaid heads of the progressive movement. A lot about class warfare for the last three days but light on substance. Took God and Jerusalem out of the platform and then quickly put it back when the Panderer-In-Chief realized the seriousness of that gaffe. Despite what Axelrod said before their party had its day about not being divided, there it was for all to see. There is indeed division within the Democratic Party. It's time that many Democrats realize that progressives have hijacked your party and the real course they want to steer it on.

Sad but true. I was initially a Democrat until I caught on and it didn't take long. Now I'm one of those Independent voters that like to be the deciders of elections. Next up are the dabates. Last night he recycled his "goals" without specific details about the "how to" we thought we were to hear.

Remember In November!

November is all about making a choice. Are you going to support a huge federal government advocated by a party that believes that the government owns the people and forget about We, the People owning this nation? That's one choice. Or are you going to vote for continuing the progress we made in 2010? That process involves changing many faces in politics to rid ourselves of those who are on Capitol Hill to serve themselves and not the people. This is about having a limited federal government called for in the US Constitution and exercising fiscal responsibility. That is not a vision shared by Barack Hussein Obama. He is now a large part of the problem and has no solutions.

His record speaks for itself. Or maybe his lack of having one speaks louder?

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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