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A Matter Of Perspective - The Cliff

Updated on January 6, 2013

So What Really Happened?

I'm sure all the minimal minded liberals in the nation were wringing their greedy paws and cheering the avoidance of the fiscal cliff. In reality what we will experience, if Obama continues to get his way, isn't avoidance but an absolute economic train wreck. The 64K dollar question as Obama boarded Air Force One in the middle of the night and snuck off like the unethical thief that he is seems to be, "What's next Obama?" What did you solve other than to kinda-sorta live up to the class warfare pledge that you campaigned on. You couldn't run on your record so you became the pitiful attack dog that community organizers are prone to be.

One thing is quite apparent from watching the dog & pony show we just witnessed at the end of 2012. Most of those elected bubble heads are grossly unattached from the reality the common sense citizen on the street is aware of. We're broke. They've overspent and overspent and now expect to compensate for that by reverting to the theft of tax payer money that they have down to a science.

I hope the mutton heads out there feel all warm and fuzzy now that tax hikes have been reigned down on "the rich" and you now feel that tax fairness across the land has been achieved. But guess what? It hasn't been and they've bamboozled you with the smoke and mirrors routine anew. If you think the fiscal cliff has been eliminated it has not been. They just moved it on down the road with their usual kick. Children learn "kick the can" playing street games. What you are witnessing is the adult version on the backs of our present and future children.

The True Perspective

The graph above puts the true nature of what was done, or really what wasn't accomplished, for the "math challenged" among us. We know you're out there. Is a picture worth a thousand words? You can bet this one is.

Let me explain it in plain English. That $62 billion in extra revenue a year doesn't stack up well against the $1,089 billion FY 2011 budget deficit. The FY 2012 deficit will be higher. Place a bet on that if you can find a bookie to take it. Using the ten (10) year projection these clowns like to cloak things in the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has this magic trick not reducing the federal budget deficit by even a skinny penny. Their figures crunch out with this can kick actually adding just shy of $4 trillion to our national debt during the ten year period in question.

What a great deal we got. Payroll taxes will go up for 77% of the working people in this nation due to their actions and in actions. It wasn't only about the rich. Obama duped you again for those who believe even a single word he says. Any spending cuts were postponed again because our circus clowns have no intention of cutting spending with Obama at the helm. Is the federal government going to grow and get bigger? Find that bookie and place a "yes" bet on that too.

So put a chain on your wallet because they're far from done.

So lets talk about the pork in this bill that the US Senate sent to the House of Representatives. Pork you ask? That's the Washington way in case you aren't paying attention. The Senate did the same thing to the disaster aid bill for the victims of Hurricane Sandy but that can be the subject of a whole different Hub truth be known. This tax bill was packed with pork for the Democrats constituencies, and here you thought it was just a tax increase on the rich did ya? About that bridge in Brooklyn I have for sale...

Inside those 154 pages that Senators had six (6) minutes to try to dissect before the voting began were subsidies for electric vehicles. Now whose fingerprints would be all over that deal? Tucked away in there are special tax subsidies for the movie and television industry. That shouldn't raise any eyebrows among liobwerals I'm sure. Or how about that $12.1 billion wind energy subsidy no one wanted to address head on outside of this fiscal cliff garbage deal? And let us not forget about the tax credit for first time home buyers in the Washington DC district. Why is that in there? There is more in there. Be certain of that. It's like Obamacare. The more we find out about is in it, fog or no fog, the less palatable it becomes.

In case you were asleep again at the fiscal wheel we sailed right past the last national debt increase figure that brought on the present furry of fiscal suicide. But they have a plan. Treasury Secretary Geithner (remember the tax cheat?) is jiggering the numbers to stave off the fact that no agreement was again reached before facing that particular cliff. That's exactly how all this sequestration nonsense originated in the first place.

Look on the bright side folks. Anyone making more than $50K a year will pay at least an an additional $1,000 in payroll taxes. This wasn't just about taxing the rich brainiacs. This was about using smoke and mirrors to mask some very unplesant news. There is a tax increase that hit every wage earner in America on January 1st of 2013. You mean Obama wasn't talking about that? How convenient of him.

Yeah Right! Makes Sense To A Community Organizer...

The next few months should be gut wrenching to the average American who is beginning to realize now that spending is totally out of control. It must be dealt with. Obama and his political party might not want to deal with it but it must be dealt with. The world credit markets will make that happen if our elected officials fail to make it happen.

Those of us who run a household know that we can only "jigger the numbers" for so long and then... Stay tuned and for goodness sake start paying attention if you haven't been.

Quote Of The Day: "You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that, dear friend, is about the end of any nation."

"Like"It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

PS - I thought I might make a ribbit or two as people were beginning to email or call me asking "Where you at?" Just collecting my thoughts after this last election about how ignorant the average American can be.


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