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A Historical Liar (POLL)

Updated on November 5, 2013

This might become a historical toss up. We know that Obama made history by becoming the first black (kinda sorta) President. I'm wondering at this juncture whether he is about to become the first black (kinda sorta again) President to be impeached. The first one might be the reason the second one hasn't happened yet.

One thing is for sure though. He will go down in history as being the type of consummate liar who can look right into that camera (teleprompter?) and tell the nation he didn't say something that was caught on camera at least 29 times. That's an amazing feat. So who, Barack Hussein Obama, is on that tape telling the same lie over and over again? Do you having a lying stunt double who does that for you so you can try to have plausible denial? If so it isn't working son.

If this pack of Progressives actually could tell the truth I'm sure the public would demand that be taken immediately to the loony bin. Nurse Ratchet would have fun watching these loons in action.

So the question should be, historically anyway, whether Obama will be judged as the biggest incompetent to inhabit the Oval Office or the biggest liar. Maybe a toss up? I know he has outdone Jimmie Carter by a mile or two. It's bad when Carter calls you out as he recently did with Obama.

Last night in front of his adoring Organizing For America sheeple he laid the lie on again just with a different twist. He has the knack for sure. I often wonder if Obama realizes how ridiculous he looks to sane people. He is capable of looking right at you, usually straight faced though sometimes with a smirk, telling you that if you have a plan, you can keep your plan PERIOD. This is where it got tricky last night because he now wants to add a caveat to his lie.

Not more than a month and a half later, after his disastrous lemon roll out, he claims that what he really said was that as long as your policy had no changes after the date Obamacare was signed into law you could keep your policy. But if even the minutest change was made to the plan you have and like, you lose your plan but he still tells you you have a plan - HIS.

His sheeple flock's response, as of late, is that they all do it. Since the particular one I am talking about is the present one so what? So let me roll this tape one more time for his faithful sheeple to remind him what he really said

How Many Times?

When he was telling this lie over and over again he was trying to sell socialized health care snake oil. If he had told the truth his "signature legislation" would have been dead in the water. So now he wants us all to believe that what we heard him say, at least 29 times at last count, wasn't what he said at all. It is something different and as usual he got it and we didn't. How much more circular his argument becomes remains to be seen.

Even the Washington Post is giving this pathological liar 4 Pinocchio's for his performances. The sad part is that he just may actually believe himself because not many people seem to be leaning his way these days. If Obama wasn't the President he'd either be locked up or in an insane asylum. People as dangerous as this guy shouldn't be out walking around freely like the rest of us.

So here we are at this point less than a month and a half later with approximately 3.5 million Americans having received the now infamous cancellation letter. He fooled you. He duped you and wants to continue to do so. He firmly believes in his mind that he, and his minions on the hill, know what is best for you without even knowing you. I keep asking this key question. Why do you think that Obama delayed the employer mandate for a year? The answer is obvious. That will cause even millions more to have to swallow the socialized medicine pill.

Yes many will lose their coverage and it was by design. It was a matter of debate within the White House inner circle whether to tell the truth or not. They decided to not tell the truth. They wanted Obama to have his "legacy." His legacy now appears to be whether he is the biggest liar or biggest incompetent to ever try to lead this nation. He is a bad social experiment gone awry. Factor that in too.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "We promised that you can keep your plan IF it didn't change after the law was passed." What the heck happened to the PERIOD?

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The link below may help you avoid sticker shock later by a look see now. Maybe for the Democrats we can call it "sucker shock?"

As Always,

The Frog Prince

How Do You Think History Will Now Judge Obama?

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